"Doctor Fate has discovered that the sorcerer, Felix Faust, is attempting to trade a large number of souls to a dangerous demon. Help him uncover Faust's repulsive scheme, and put a stop to it."
Wayward Souls is a Tier 2 4-player operation for heroes who have reached level 30 and acquired a combat rating of 60.
Act 1[]
- Speak with Doctor Fate.
- Protect Doctor Fate while he inspects the Mysterious Cadaver.
- Protect Doctor Fate while he performs countercurse.
Act 2[]
- Travel to Gotham Mercy General Hospital.
- Defeat Souls fighting over stolen bodies on Rooftops (Count: 20).
- Draw out and defeat Cannibal Soul.
Act 3[]
- Travel to Gotham University.
- Defeat Soul-Infused Corpse.
Act 4[]
- Travel to area near Monarch Playing Card Factory.
- Investigate spiritual residue (Count: 10)
- Find original source of souls and help Doctor Fate break Faust's curse.
- Defeat Solomon Grundy.