Vitalization New Justice Underground is an equipment mod which can be developed from a r&d plan.
Assembly Plan[]
- 30 Support Exobyte
- 14 Complex Materials
- 30 Simple Material
- 24 Vindictive Essence
- 5 Core Element Goons of Gotham
- 12 Focusing Element Goons of Gotham
- 8 Essence Purifier
Exobytes used in the assembly of this mod are best salvaged with the Exceptional Recovery Kit or a Total Recovery Kit.
Obtained from[]
The item can be developed from Plans: Vitalization New Justice Underground.
See also[]
- Vitalization Alpha
- Vitalization Beta
- Vitalization I
- Vitalization II
- Vitalization III
- Vitalization IV
- Vitalization V
- Vitalization V Expert
- Vitalization VI
- Prefab Vitalization VI
- Vitalization VI Expert
- Prefab Vitalization VI Expert
- Vitalization VII
- Vitalization VII Expert
- Vitalization VIII
- Vitalization Olympian
- Vitalization Special Forces