DC Universe Online Wiki

Today I finished a project I started back around October 2017, to create screenshots of all single styles for the female avatar. This complements the fine work Pingvinozavr did on the male styles.

I just finished with all the female hand styles and while here and there some styles still might be missing, this is the best visual overview of DCUO styles you can find on the internet.

What remains to be done is to complete the female screenshots of complete costume style sets.

Datasentinel (talk) 19:02, May 7, 2020 (UTC)

v · e · d
Costume Style Sets - Iconic Equipment - Iconic Battle Suits (obsolete)
Costume Lists
Head List - Face List - Shoulder List - Chest List - Hands List - Back List - Waist List - Leg List - Feet List
Visual Styles
Head Styles - Face Styles - Shoulder Styles - Chest Styles - Hand Styles - Back Styles - Waist Styles - Leg Styles - Feet Styles
Costume listings include both, stats-enhancing gear and simple style items

Rings, necklaces and trinkets have no visual representation and thus count as items only
