Titles are name tags which can be unlocked by mastering certain feats or other achievements like for example completing survival mode. They were introduced with game update 51.
Titles already unlocked for a player character can be set through the style window.
Feats which grant titles are denoted by a yellow ribbon in the feats menu.
Agent [...]
A Major House Cleaning: Meta-Therapy Clinic Alert: Defeat 520 SHADE Operatives
Almost Infinite [...]
Crisis of Infinite Time Capsules: Open the legendary Infinite Time Capsule!
Anarchist [...]
Out of Network: Dakota City: Defeat Fearsome Five 25 times outside of Meta-Therapy Clinic
Anti-Matter [...]
Battle Of The Baddies: Complete the Brainiac v Anti-Monitor: Dusk of Anti-Justice collection
Apex [...]
Preying an Predators (Elite or Elite Plus): Defeat Perpetua after defeating 24 Apex Predators in her fight during The Source Wall Raid (Elite or Elite Plus)
Apokoliptian [...]
Arachnologist [...]
Arachnology: During the BoP: Fire & Brimstone (Normal or Elite) Raid, complete these Feats:
- Arachnoslayer
- Arachnosparer
- Arachno Exterminator
Arch Arrow [...]
Star City Savior: Collect all styles in the Enhanced High-Density Tactical set
Bang Baby [...]
Follow the Light: Dakota City: Free 213 Shadow-Imprisoned Bang Babies
Beastmaster [...]
Good... Hell Doggy: In the Raising Hades Duo, during the Hellhound fight, defeat all the hounds on the first attempt - once without letting the lesser two resurrect, and then once again by letting them resurrect at least four times.
Billionaire [...]
Young Billionaire: Open 1000 treasure chests
Bomb Disposal Technician [...]
One Bomb at a Time: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, defeat Gorilla Grodd only after disarming 12 individual Bombs (not by using the controls on the Gorilla Eradication Platforms) during that attempt
Captain [...]
ARRRR, MATEY!!!!: Collect all style in the Pirate set
Card Shark [...]
Royal Flush: Complete the Atlantis: Royal Palace (Normal) Solo 5 times.
Cat Person [...]
90 Lives: Save 90 cats from trees around the city in BoP: Metropolis.
Checkmate Operative [...]
The Tactleneck: Collect all styles in the Checkmate Operative set
Commander [...]
Every Front Secured: Complete all War of the Light Pt II Quests in the Metropolis Battlezone.
Corrupted [...]
Corrupted Remains: Merely available as a legendary loot drop from Black Hand in Blackest Day.
Counter-Propagandist [...]
Propaganda Party Pooper: Disable Doom Propaganda Devices in Doomed Washington, D.C. [0/111]
Cyberpunk [...]
Cyber Punked: During the Saving Justice alert, while fighting Sturmdrang, never allow any of the Cybernetic Troopers to be resurrected.
Dark Detective [...]
Tricks For A Treat: Collect all the Halloween Heist collections
Deconstructionist [...]
Ultraviolet Deconstruction: Destroy Ultraviolet Constructs in Doomed Washington, D.C. [0/222]
Doombreaker [...]
Resistance is Futile: During the Kandor Raid, defeat Doomsday without any group member setting of Doomsday's Adaptive Resistance.
Cycle of Doom: Complete the Doomsday (Normal) Raid 18 times.
Earth 3 [...]
Earth 3 Expatriate: Complete the The Memory of Earth 3 collection
Emerald Knight [...]
Radient Raiment: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Green Knight set
Evil [...]
Owl Be Back!: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Owlsuit set. Completing this feat will grant you a cost reduction on the elite Head, Shoulder, Legs, Hands, Feet, Back, and Waist items from the Earth 3 Equipment Supplier
Firefighter [...]
Not Fired Up: During the Atlantis: The Throne (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat Corum Rath without allowing the Flames of Sagittarius close enough to Corum Rath to buff his attack during one attempt of the fight.
Gatekeeper [...]
From Whence They Came: During the Seeing Shades Again Mission, destroy three Portal Anomalies before defeating Faust and then defeat him once again without destroying a single anomaly.
General [...]
General Mayhem: In Flashpoint Gotham City, defeat each of the Amazon Furies and Atlantean Enforcers:
- Flashpoint Hawkgirl
- Flashpoint Huntress
- Flashpoint Vixen
- Flashpoint Terra
- Flashpoint Ocean Master
- Flashpoint Black Manta
- Flashpoint Murk
- Flashpoint Aqualad
Honorary Rogue [...]
Rogues Round Robin: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat each combination of Rogues present at the start of the fight:
- Captain Cold + Pied Piper + Trickster
- Heat Wave + Pied Piper + Trickster
- The Top + Pied Piper + Trickster
- Captain Cold + Mirror Master + Captain Boomerang
- Heat Wave + Mirror Master + Captain Boomerang
- The Top + Mirror Master + Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold + Pied Piper + Captain Boomerang
- Heat Wave + Pied Piper + Captain Boomerang
- The Top + Pied Piper + Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold + Mirror Master + Trickster
- Heat Wave + Mirror Master + Trickster
- The Top + Mirror Master + Trickster
Ice Cold [...]
What's Cooler Than Being Cool?: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Absolute Zero set
Intergalactic [...]
Saturn Subduer: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat Controlled Saturn Girl and Emerald Empress 75 times
Jolly Old [...]
Winter Is Coming: Complete all of the Winter seasonal feats: "Checking It Twice", "Snowball Fight!", "Twelve Days of Larfleeze", "Santa's Little Helper" and "15 Crazy Nights"
Judge [...]
Injustice Hater: Defeat Injustice 100 times in Infernal Kahndaq
Legion Commander [...]
I Am Legion: Evil Cosmic Boy defeated in level 25 of Survival Mode: Season 3
Legionnaire [...]
Legionnaire: In Legion: HQ Orientation, complete each of the following feats that can also be done in Normale Mode.
- Completed the Just Coasting Feat
- Completed the Second to One Feat
- Completed the Valedictorian Feat
- Completed the Fleet Footed Feat
- Completed the Super Goalie Feat
- Completed the High Evasion Skills Feat
- Completed The Scrapper Feat
- Completed Keep Your Eye on the Ball Feat
- Completed the Hard Headed Feat
- Completed the Super-Hero Club Ring Feat
Living Statue [...]
Statuary Student: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, over multiple runs, defeat each of the Animated Statues:
- Animated The Top Statue
- Animated Mirror Master Statue
- Animated Trickster Statue
- Animated Heat VVave Statue
- Animated Pied Piper Statue
- Animated Abra Kadabra Statue
- Animated Captain Boomerang Statue
- Animated Captain Cold Statue
- Animated Weather Wizard Statue
Magistrate [...]
Unjust Adjuster: Defeat Injustice 50 times in Infernal Kahndaq
Metabreed [...]
Forget-a-Breed: Abandoned Subway Duo (Normal or Elite): While fighting Turtledove or DaBoom, defeat 80 Metabreed Bang Babies
Metallurgist [...]
Tech Romancer: Defeat 500 Robots Who Laugh from The One Who Waits (Normal or Elite) Alert [0/500]
Out of this World [...]
Saturn Situation: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat Controlled Saturn Girl and Emerald Empress 10 times
Outrider [...]
Owl-Outrider: Collect the Owl-Signal - Interactive Base Item
[...] Pharaoh
Top of the Pyramid: Complete these feats in Godseye Pyramid Alert:
- Tomb Raiding
- Evil Undead
- Doors of Destruction
- Isis Crisis
Professor [...]
The Man With The Plans: Research 150 different plans. After the R&D rework, this now automatically unlocked.
Progenitor [...]
Alluring Original Signs: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Paradox Emblem set
Protector of Neo-Gotham [...]
Flashy Futuristic Flying Fox: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Beyond High-Tech set
Prototype [...]
Fractured Future: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Exobyte Origin set
Relic Hunter [...]
Relinquished Relics of the Cursed: Collect all the Constantine's Cursed Relics Wish List collections
Ringleader [...]
Fleet Footed: In Legion: HQ Orientation, in any Mode, run through the travel rings in the Fitness Test 100 times
Robot-Hunter [...]
Source of Robot Parts: Destroy Source-Empowered LexCorp Robots in Doomed Washington, D.C. [0/333]
Saint [...]
He's Checking It Twice: Collect all the List of Not-So-Naughty Deeds collections
Seer [...]
Nobody Burns Me: During the Atlantis: Silent School (Normal) Alert, in the Gemini Challenge, use proper roles to avoid being burned by the Eye of Gemini pedestal flames in a single run
[...] Sheriff
Unjust Adjudicator: Defeat Injustice 25 times in Infernal Kahndaq
Soldier of Love [...]
Date Flicks And Chill: Complete the Gotham Date Night collection
Special Agent [...]
Redaction Action: During the JLD: Darkness Rising (Normal) Alert, complete all other feats associated with the A.R.G.U.S. Black Room.
- Complete the Divide and Control Feat
- Complete the Upping the Anti Feat
- Complete the Hellish Reflections Feat
- Complete the Laser Tag Feat
Storm Chaser [...]
Flight of the Firenadoes: Allow yourself to be carried to the top of a Firenado while fighting Pride in Infernal Kahndaq
Striker [...]
Quick, Stryke a Pose: Collect all styles in the Quickstryke (Elite) set
Superman's Pal [...]
Metropolis Landmarks: Collect the Superman Memorial Statue and Daily Planet Globe Base Items
The Agile [...]
Always Alone: The Terrorium Raid (Elite Plus): Defeat Nightmare Static and Rocket without allowing them to buff one another
The Amazing [...]
That's so Amazo!: During Birds of Prey: Volcano Mining Facility (Normal), in a single run of the Amazo fight, defeat Amazo without turning off the shielding on the turrets or turning on the Red Sun Projector.
The Ancient [...]
It's Not Old, It's Vintage: Collect all styles in the Runes of the Ancients set
The Benevolent [...]
Join a DCUO developer team for the charity event Extra Life and donate or raise USD 100 to get the title on one character or donate or raise USD 300 to get the title for all characters on your account.
The Brilliant [...]
Glow with the Flow: Collect all styles in the Energy Armor (Elite) set
The Calculating [...]
Permanent Shutdown: Stop the rogue Calculator-Bot from wreaking havoc in BoP: Metropolis by defeating it! [25/50]
The Cool [...]
Brr! It's Cold In Here!: During Birds of Prey: Volcano Mining Facility (Normal), in the Lex Luthor fight, in a single run, use bombs to ensure that only the Coolant Environment Control Tubes rupture before defeating Lex Luthor.
The Crafty [...]
Entering Mass Production: Create 10000 items
The Curious [...]
Cheetahs Never Win: Find Cheetah 9 times in Patchwork Themyscira
The Dangerous [...]
Danger Is My Trade: Complete 500 Challenges
The Death Defying [...]
Dance of No Deaths: Complete the Homecoming: Party at Titans Tower Alert without any players getting Knocked Out
The Demonic [...]
Devoted to the Demon: Achieve Trusted status with the Cult of Trigon
The Durable [...]
Unbreakable (Event or Normal): Complete each Durable feat in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Event or Normal)
- Durable - Warden Lois Lane (Event or Normal)
- Durable - Sixth Dimension Superman (Event or Normal)
- Durable - World Forger (Event or Normal)
- Durable - Anti-Monitor (Event or Normal)
The Dynamic [...]
The Effervescent [...]
Bubble Trouble: Collect the Bubble Aura style
The Electrifying [...]
Make Sparks Fly: Collect all styles in the High Voltage set (heroes)
The Look of Tomorrow, Today : Collect all styles in the Reverse set (villains)
The Enchanting [...]
Island Adventurer: Collect all styles in the Themysciran Battlesuit set (heroes)
Bewitched: Collect all styles in the Bewitching Battlesuit set (villains)
The Enduring [...]
Unbreakable (Elite (Critical)): Complete each Durable feat in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Elite (Critical)) without any players getting Knocked Out
The Epic [...]
An Epic Odyssey: Defeat the Paradox Tyrant in the Paradox Wave raid without closing any of the Speed Force tunnels
The Eternal [...]
The Renewal of Spring: Complete the following Spring seasonal events: "Seeds of Success", "Eco Friendly", "That's No Ordinary Rabbit", "Fruit Flavored" and the collection "Seeds of Spring"
The Exalted [...]
High Hopes: Collect all styles in the Exalted set
The Excellent [...]
Feat for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence: Collect 25000 Tokens of Merit
The Exhausted [...]
Drainer Cleaner (Elite Plus): In SoBA: Rock of Eternity (Elite Plus), defeat 64 Soulless Drainers while fighting Felix Faust - does not need to be completed in a single run
The Fearsome [...]
Eat, Drink and be Scary: Complete all of the Spooktacular feats: "Candy Candy Candy Candy", "Trick Or Treat, Smell My Feat", "Costume Party" and "I Must Not Fear"
The Firewalker [...]
Smoldering Survivors: During the BoP: Fire & Brimstone (Elite) Raid, defeat the first boss without anyone having been KOed with the Smoldering Grasping Hand debuff active in a single run of the fight.
The Furious [...]
Prodigal Fury: Collect all styles in the Furious set (heroes)
Houndmaster: Collect all styles in the Apokoliptian General set (villains)
The Head Strong [...]
Head Strong: Complete the Stormtrooper's Air-Purifying Helmet, Allied Soldier Helmet and Stormtrooper's Helmet styles.
The Heroic [...]
Heroic Legionnaire: Achieve level 20 as a hero
The Hot [...]
Hottie Tamales!: During Birds of Prey: Volcano Mining Facility (Normal), in the Lex Luthor fight, in a single run, use bombs to ensure that only the Thermal Environment Control Tubes rupture before defeating Lex Luthor.
The Infinite [...]
Finite Possibilities: Defeat each possible combination of Council Members in the Final Boss Fight of the Nexus of Reality raid
The Ingenious [...]
Science STAR: Achieve Trusted status with STAR Labs
The Invincible [...]
I Am Invincible!: Ultraman defeated in Round 30 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
The Invulnerable [...]
Hey Now, You're an All-Star: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Conqueror set. Grants you a 10% damage bonus in the following areas: Starro: Invasion!, Starro: Spreading Spores, Starro: The Threat Below, Starro: The Thread Below (Raid), or Central City Starro Deluge Zone
The Legendary [...]
Legendary Initiate: Achieve level 5. Reaching level 5 is a requirement for Legends PvP, but you do not need to participate to earn this title.
The Lovable [...]
A Hallmark of Success: Complete the following Valentine's Day seasonal events: "It's a Love/Hate Relationship", Collection "Wedding Vows", Race "Multiplayer Flight Challenge: The Turbulent Path of Love", "Love is Hard Work", "Pretty in Pink" and "I Choo- Choo- Choose You"
The Methodical [...]
Nothing Left To Chance: During Wonderverse: Crypt of Penthesilea (Normal), solve all three chambers after making all possible incorrect choices
The Mythical [...]
Myth Hunter Master: Defeat 21 Cyclopses in Gotham Under Siege or the Themyscira Divided alert
The Narcissistic [...]
What a Narcissist: Defeat Sixth Dimension Superman after destroying his statue 6 times in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Elite (Severe, Critical))
The Nefarious [...]
Great Big Batties: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Gotham Emblem set
The Notorious [...]
Heart of Cold: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Visitor's set
The Outlandish [...]
Pot of Gold: Complete the following St. Patrick's Day seasonal feats: "Drink Up!", "Take One Down, Pass it Around", "Where's ME gold?", "Fancy Lad", "Kltpzyxm" and "Over the Rainbow"
The Outstanding [...]
Dimensional Fink: Sixth Dimension Superman defeated in level 10 of Survival Mode: Season 3
The Powerful [...]
Exit Through the Gift Shop: Collect all 9 Artifacts of Urgrund Replica Base Items
The Shocking [...]
Shock to the System: During Birds of Prey: Volcano Mining Facility (Event or Normal), make sure that no one gets knocked out during the drone hallway challenge.
The Stable [...]
Unbreakable (Elite (Standard)): Complete each Durable feat in the The Sixth Dimension Raid (Elite (Standard)) without any players getting Knocked Out
The Statuesque [...]
Art Revival: Defeat Sixth Dimension Superman without allowing any statues to revive in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Elite (Severe, Critical))
The Sturdy [...]
Durable - Sixth Dimension Superman (Event or Normal): Defeat Sixth Dimension Superman without being knocked out in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Event or Normal)
The Talented [...]
Natural Talent: Win a platinum medal on any expert level race without purchasing movement mode traits
The Tempestuous [...]
Resisted Twister: During World of Flashpoint: The Royal War (Normal or Elite), defeat Professor Zoom without anyone touching a Speed Force Tempest
The Tenacious [...]
Darkened Knights: Complete: During Metal Pt. II: The Phoenix Cannon (Event or Normal), complete the following feats:
- Darkened Knights: The Drowned and Dawnbreaker
- Darkened Knights: The Merciless and The Drowned
- Darkened Knights: Red Death and The Merciless
- Darkened Knights: Dawnbreaker and Red Death
The Tormentor [...]
Crow, Crow, Bar!: Capture defeated Dark Robins to knock them back in The One Who Waits Alert [0/66]
The Tragic [...]
Tragic, The Gathering: Gather 25000 items
The Twisted [...]
Feel the Squeeze (Elite Plus): Defeat 24 Dark Tentacles while they are constricting someone during The Source Wall Raid (Elite Plus)
The Ultimate [...]
Elite Victory: Defeat the Elite version of the Ultimate Soldier in his different states to claim an Elite Victory.
- Defeat Ultimate Soldier with both timelines disconnected.
- Defeat Ultimate Soldier with only Nanda Parbat of Recent Past disconnected.
- Defeat Ultimate Soldier with only Alernate World War II Universe disconnected.
- Defeat Ultimate Soldier without disconnecting any timelines.
- Defeat Ultimate Soldier without disconnecting any timelines and spawning the Savage Temporal Commander.
The Ultra [...]
Ultra-Easy: During Earth 3: The Panopticon (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat each of the bosses on the allotted amount of time
- Defeat Johnny Quick in 4 minutes or less
- Free Lex Luthor by defeating Owlman in 4 minutes or less
- Defeat Ultraman in 4 minutes or less
The Unbreakable [...]
Unbroken: The Sixth Dimension: Complete all Unbreakable feats in The Sixth Dimension Raid:
- Unbreakable (Event or Normal)
- Unbreakable (Elite (Standard))
- Unbreakable (Elite (Critical))
The Unstoppable [...]
Under Control: Use the Breakout ability 1000 times
The Vengeful [...]
We'll Burn You All: Collect all styles in the Vestments of Rage set
The Victorious [...]
Alert! Alert! Alert!: Complete 500 Alerts
The Villainous [...]
Villainous Scion: Achieve level 20 as a villain
Thief of the Underworld [...]
Phoenix of Vengeance: During the Underworld Trials Alert, defeat Medusa after the Phoenix joins the battle
Time Master [...]
Time Master: Complete these feats from the Justice For All raid:
- Time Out
- One Out of Time, One at a Time
- Out of Time
Titanic [...]
Star-Crossed Princess: Complete the Trinkets of a Tamaran Princess Collection
Treasure Hunter [...]
Treasure Hunter: Break open hidden treasure chests around Atlantis. [75/100]
Ultra-Kryptonian [...]
Where Is My Ultra Suit?: Collect the Ultra-Kryptonian Cape style
Warrior of the Light [...]
The Light Shines: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Lantern Corp Emblem set
Wrecker [...]
Wrecker Trekker: Destroy LexCorp vehicles throughout Doomed Washington, D.C. [0/66]
Zapper [...]
Bug Zapper: In the Wonderverse: Fractured God Sphere Raid (Normal Only), defeat Colony Hive Leader 25 times in the New Genesis section
[...] 2014 Oa Survivor
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Oan Sciencells
[...] 2014 Trigon Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Trigon's Prison
[...] 2014 Trigon Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Trigon's Prison
[...] 2015 Apokolips Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Happiness Home
[...] 2015 Apokolips Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Happiness Home
[...] 2015 Fortress Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude
[...] 2015 Fortress Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude
[...] 2015 Oa Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Oan Sciencells
[...] 2015 Oa Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Oan Sciencells
[...] 2015 Trigon Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Trigon's Prison
[...] 2015 Trigon Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Trigon's Prison
[...] 2016 Apokolips Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Happiness Home
[...] 2016 Apokolips Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Happiness Home
[...] 2016 Fortress Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude
[...] 2016 Fortress Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude
[...] 2016 Oa Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Oan Sciencells
[...] 2016 Oa Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Oan Sciencells
[...] 2016 Trigon Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Trigon's Prison
[...] 2016 Trigon Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Trigon's Prison
[...] 2017 Fortress Battler
Completed round 10 of Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude
[...] 2017 Fortress Survivor
Completed round 20 of Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude
[...] Absolute Star
Everyone's a Star: During the Starro: Invasion! Alert, defeat:
- Controlled Superman
- Controlled Cyborg
- Controlled Supergirl
- Controlled Professor Zoom
- Controlled Martian Manhunter
- Controlled Brother Blood
- Controlled Solomon Grundy
- Controlled Donna Troy
- Controlled Felix Faust
- Controlled Zatanna
- Controlled Hawkman
- Controlled Power Girl
- Controlled Alan Scott
- Controlled Wildcat
- Controlled Black Canary
[...] Adrenaline Junkie
Edge of Extinction: During the Brainiac's Bottle Ship Operation, defeat General Zod with the Science Spire Experimental Laser charged to 80%
[...] All-Star
All-Star Justice: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Team-Up Emblem set
[...] Alpha
Leader of the Pack: During the JLD: Darkness Rising (Event or Normal) Alert, defeat 151 Werewolves in the European Castle.
[...] Avatar of The Cold
You're Not Sending Me to the Cooler!: Defeat level 25 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] Bat Out of Hell
Truly Metal: During the Into the Dark Multiverse (Normal, or Elite) Raid, weaken and unleash all of the Dark Knights before defeating them, and then win the fight against Barbatos.
[...] Born of Fire
Little Flame Whisperer (Elite): Defeat Superwoman without any players taking damage from any of her Fire Fields, big or small, in the Death Metal Panopticon Alert (Elite)
[...] Bouncer
Bounced: Get bounced out of 10 Carnival Garnes started by other players on Homecoming: Titans Island
[...] Buzzkill
Buzzkill: During the Titans: H.I.V.E. Reborn Raid (Normal or Elite), defeat Guard Captain Buzzzcut and Lieutenant Bombus with 5 seconds of each other
[...] Champion of Atlantis
The Best Defense is a Ghost Offense: Complete Sentinels of the Atlantean Treasury Collection
[...] Champion of the Amazons
Guardian of Tartarus: In Patchwork Themyscira, help defeat Rampaging Hydra 50 times
[...] Champion of Earth
Champion of Earth: Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Superman
[...] Champion of the Light
Mist Fullfillment: During the Blackest Night Operation, defeat Nekron after using the fewest possible Diamond Mist containers to cleanse Nekron's Black Lantern Battery
[...] Cold-Hearted
Let's Kick Some Ice!: Defeat level 15 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] Conqueror of Olympus
Elitist Elixir: During the Olympus Elite Raid, defeat Zeus without anyone in the group getting knocked out by Zeus's Widespread Devastation on that attempt
[...] Conqueror of War
Ares Conqueror: In Patchwork Themyscira, help defeat Ares 100 times
[...] Continuity Breaker
That's Not Canon!: Complete the Harley's Continuity Bending Comic Collection.
[...] Criminal Mastermind
Criminal Mastermind: Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by Lex Luthor
[...] Defender of the Multiverse
The Multiversal Bleed: Complete The Multiversal Bleed Collection
[...] Destroyer of Gods
Overwhelming Power: Defeat level 30 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] Digitized
[...] Doorkeeper
Doors of Destruction: Complete these feats in Godseye Pyramid Alert:
- Door Stopper
- Chortle at the Portals
- Portal Me This
[...] Dreamlander
Dreamlander Defender: Complete these feats from Time-Torn Area 51:
- Knocking on Death's Door
- In the Nick of Time
- Paradox Punisher
- The Times They Are A-Changin'
[...] Favored of Olympus
Watts His Deal?: Defeat level 10 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] Fifth Dimensional
League Hall of Hard Knocks: The One Who Waits: Mister Mxyzptlk: Defeat Mister Mxyzptlk without using a consumable or Supercharge ability in The One Who Waits (Normal or Elite) Alert
[...] Free Spirit
Don't Be an Ash: Collect the Chestguard of the Forest Spirit and the Greaves of the Forest Spirit styles
[...] Friend of Jellyfish
You Got Jelly in my Boss Fight: During World of Flashpoint: The Royal War (Normal or Elite), defeat Emperor Aquaman without knocking out any Jellyfish
[...] from Human Resources
Sixth Dimension Employment Opportunity: Complete all 4 Sixth Dimension Job Posting feats in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Normal or Elite):
- Sixth Dimension Job Posting: Jailer Sniper
- Sixth Dimension Job Posting: Jailer Medical Officer
- Sixth Dimension Job Posting: Jailer Ordnance Officer
- Sixth Dimension Job Posting: Jailer Engineer
[...] from the Future
Lightning Logjam: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat Controlled Lightning Lad and Emerald Empress 10 times
[...] from the Past
Cosmic Commotion: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat Controlled Cosmic Boy and Emerald Empress 10 times
[...] General Zodiac
Kneel Before Zod-iac!: Collect all styles in the Zodiac Emblem foil set
[...] Giant-Slayer
Gigantic Gauntlet: Defeat Source-Empowered Giganta in Doomed Washington, D.C. [0/50]
[...] God Killer
War and Peace (Out): During the False Idols (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat the Merciless before Wonder Woman destroys the Drachma.
[...] Guardian of the Fifth World
Omega and Omega: During the Darkseid's War Factory (Elite) Raid, defeat Darkseid after players have fallen to Darkseid's Omega Beams at least eight times.
[...] Herald of Nekron
Darkness Grows As All Light Dies: Collect all styles in the Herald of the Black (Elite) set
[...] Hero of Time
Time Cop: Collect the World War Wanted collection
[...] Ice-Veined
Thawing Out the Competition : Defeat level 5 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] Keeper of the Fifth World
Omega 13: During the Darkseid's War Factory (Non-Elite) Raid, defeat Darkseid after group members have fallen to Darkseid's Omega Beams exactly thirteen times.
[...] Knight for Justice
Knight for Justice: Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Batman
[...] Knight of Atlantis
Hydrokinetic Heroes: Collect all the Summer is Coming collections
[...] Kryptonian Gravedigger
Gloating Over Memories: Complete the Memorials collection (villains only)
[...] Kryptonian Pallbearer
Honoring the Memories: Complete the Memorials collection (heroes only)
[...] Lightning Rod
Lightning Loggerheads: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat Controlled Lightning Lad and Emerald Empress 75 times
[...] Lord of Chaos
Over The Edge: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Event, Normal), defeat Mordru after group members have fallen into the abyss at least 20 times
[...] Lord of Order
On The Edge: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Normal), defeat Mordru without any group members falling into the abyss under the ritual platform
[...] Lord of Paradox
[...] Lycanthrope
Werewolf Woes: During the JLD: Darkness Rising (Normal) Alert, in a single run, no one can be defeated after contracting and currently under the curse of Lycanthropy.
[...] Magnetic Personality
Cosmic Conqueror: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat Controlled Cosmic Boy and Emerald Empress 75 times
[...] Master Detective
Master Detective: Complete all Investigations in the classic game
[...] Master of Disguises
Complete Extra Credit: In 31st Century: New Earth, complete these feats:
- Extra Credit: Controlled Cosmic Boy
- Extra Credit: Controlled Saturn Girl
- Extra Credit: Controlled Lightning Lad
- Extra Credit: Validus
[...] Master of Olympus
Ooo Let the Gods Out?!: Defeat level 20 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] Master Sculptor
Systematic Statue Stomper: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses only after defeating 8 Animated Statues during that attempt
[...] Mentor
Tutor Terror: Defeat each of the following Ultraviolet Constructs in the Umbrax Ultraviolet Duo:
- Joker Construct
- Batman Construct
- Lex Luthor Construct
- Superman Construct
- Circe Construct
- Wonder Woman Construct
[...] Metal
Stare Into Darkness: Complete The Final Seal collection
[...] Monster Hunter
Monster Hatcher: During the God of Monsters raid (Non-Elite), defeat Typhon after hatching at least 19 extra monster eggs
[...] Monster Slayer
Monster Hatcher Ultimate: During the God of Monsters raid (Elite), defeat Typhon after hatching at least 19 extra monster eggs
[...] Myrmidon of Artemis
Warrior of Bana-Mighdall: Collect all styles in the Divine Shim'Tar Regalia set
[...] Natural Wonder
Northern Lights: Collect the Aurora Aura
[...] New God
Danced With Death: In the Wonderverse: Fractured God Sphere Raid (Normal Only), during the fight against Grail, have no one have no one in the Raid group get knocked out
[...] of Ancient Greece
[...] of Apokolips
Thus Always to Despots: In Patchwork Themyscira, heip defeat Steppenwolf and Kalibak 100 times
[...] of Atlantis (Heros)
Making Waves: Complete all of the Tides of War seasonal feats: "Current Fashion", "Maritimed", "Full Net", "Wave Runner", "Seafarer" and "Sea Dog"
[...] of Central City
Better Together, Again: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses within 10 seconds of each other
[...] of Gotham
Gotham Boost-Tour: Complete all of the classic Booster Gold city travel missions in Gotham
[...] of Kandor
The King Has Returned: Collect all styles in the Fallen God (Elite) set
[...] of Krypton
KR 36: Ultraman defeated in Round 20 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
[...] of Metropolis
Metropolis Boost-Tour: Complete all of the classic Booster Gold city travel missions in Metropolis
[...] of New Earth
Victory Over Validus: In 31st Century: New Earth, heip defeat and imprison Validus 5 times
[...] of New Genesis
Astro Force to be Reckoned With: In Patchwork Themyscira, help defeat Orion 25 times. He will only appear as an enemy if Steppenwolf and Kalibak are defeated quickly enough
[...] of Olympus
Caught up in the Greek Drama: In Patchwork Themyscira, heip defeat Hera and Athena 100 times
[...] of Thanagar
Visitation Center: Complete the Explore Thanagar Quest on Thanagar
[...] of the 31st Century
31st Century Sentinel: In 31st Century: New Earth, complete these feats:
- Cosmic Conqueror
- Saturn Subduer
- Lightning Loggerheads
- Validus Vanquisher
[...] of the Depths
The Seashank Redemption (Elite): During World of Flashpoint: The Royal War Elite), defeat Emperor Aquaman without The Flash being harmed
[...] of the Earth
For Botany!: Collect the Festival Crown, Sage Greenman Mask, and the Botany Department Hoodie styles from the 2016 Springtime event
[...] of the Golden Age
Anniversary Antics: Collect the Anniversary Antics collection
[...] of the Legion
Rokking It: Evil Cosmic Boy defeated in level 15 of Survival Mode: Season 3
[...] of the Light
Fight for the Light: Complete Ferris Aircraft Duo, STAR Labs Alert, Coast City Alert and Oan Sciencells Alert
[...] of the Night
Hooty & the Glow Fits: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Mid-Nite set
[...] of the Phantom Zone
None Shall Pass: During The Phantom Zone (Elite) operation, complete the final boss fight before any of Zod's forces can escape the Phantom Zone through the portal
[...] of the Resistance
Darkened Knights (Elite): Complete: During Metal Pt. II: The Phoenix Cannon (Elite), complete the following feats:
- Darkened Knights (Elite): The Drowned and Dawnbreaker
- Darkened Knights (Elite): The Merciless and The Drowned
- Darkened Knights (Elite): Red Death and The Merciless
- Darkened Knights (Elite): Dawnbreaker and Red Death
[...] of the Sea
To the Murky Depths!: In Patchwork Themyscira, defeat Flashpoint Murk 100 times
[...] Of the Seven Seas
Starro Elimination Squad: During the Starro: The Threat Below Raid, in the fight with Starro controlled Aquaman, never allow more than 3 Starro spores to spawn from hatcheries
[...] of the Shadows
Turn On the Light: Dispel the Giant Shadow Golem reinforcing the efforts of Mordru in Chaos Gotham! [0/50]]
[...] of the Sixth Dimension
Krypt-phony-an: Sixth Dimension Superman defeated in level 20 of Survival Mode: Season 3
[...] of the Terrorium
Don't Avoid the Void: The Terrorium Raid (Elite Plus): Complete the Raid without allowing any Nightmare Voids to explode
[...] of Themyscira
Amazon Ally: During the False Idols (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, in a single run, assist all Amazons in Themyscira.
[...] of Zerox
Wonders of Zerox: Equip the Sorcerer's Supply Drop from Convergence of Unmaking (Elite)
[...] Old God
Source of the Power: In the Wonderverse: Fractured God Sphere Raid (Normal Only), during the fight against Zeus, have no one in the Raid group get knocked out
[...] Penny Pincher
Merciful Minerva!: During the False Idols (Normal or Elite) Raid, let Wonder Woman destroy the Drachma with the Sunblade without being interrupted by Amazons or the Merciless
[...] Portal Hopper
[...] Prime
Uncover the Truth: Complete all of the Collections, Briefings, and Investigations available in the Battle for Earth episode
[...] Professional Bowler
Tiptop Tosser: Destroy 333 Targets while playing the Boulder Toss & Bowl game on Homecoming: Titans Island
[...] Prophet of Doom
Bountiful Doom: Defeat each of these Bounties in Doomed Washington, D.C.:
[...] Reckoner
Day In, Doomsday Out: Push back Doomsday so that he retreats from battle in Doomed Metropolis, saving the city for one more day.
[...] Reigning Champion
The Reigning Champ: In Doomed Metropolis, find Bizarro or Hank Henshaw 30 times. (heroes)
The Reigning Champ: In Doomed Metropolis, find Steel or Superboy 30 times. (villains)
[...] Repair Technician
99 Blue Buffoons: In 31st Century: New Earth, destroy 99 Malfunctioning ProbeTeks
[...] Roadie
I Prefer the Drums: Defeat Darkfather without taking damage from Eruption in New Apokolips Duo (Normal, Elite)
[...] Royalty
[...] Scourge of the Sea (Villains)
Making Waves: Complete all of the Tides of War seasonal feats: "Current Fashion", "Maritimed", "Full Net", "Wave Runner", "Seafarer" and "Sea Dog"
[...] Seer of Shadows
Throwing Shade IV: Defeat Batmage's Giant Shadow Batman Demon at the Hall of Justice in Death Metal Washington, D.C. 50 times
[...] Sixth Dimensional
Sixth Dimension Completionist: Complete all Elite levels of The Sixth Dimension Raid:
- Standard Difficulty
- Moderate Difficulty
- Substantial Difficulty
- Severe Difficulty
- Critical Difficulty
[...] Sky Soldier
Hawk-a-a-a!: Collect all styles in the Blackhawk (Elite) set. Completing this feat will grant you a cost reduction on the elite Head, Shoulder, Legs, Hands, Feet, Back, and Waist items from the Allied Equipment Supplier.
[...] Soldier
Psi-chological Warfare: In Flashpoint Gotham City, defeat 200 Psi-Ops Soldiers
[...] Spindrift Ambassador
Rising Tide: Complete the Undersea Uprising collection
[...] Star Killer
Fallen Stars: Complete the Fallen Stars collection
[...] The Adversary
Anti-Matter Monitor: During Earth 3: The Escape (Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses:
- Only after destroying 18 Utility Bots during a single run of the fight
- Without allowing any of the Utility Bots to overcharge any of the (Antimatter Battery) Terminals during a single run of the fight
[...] the Alien
Alienation: Ultraman defeated in Round 10 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
[...] the All-Seeing
Eye See All: Equip all of the Eyes of Power face styles in the Legion of Doom episode:
- Equip the Anti-Matter Eyes from the Anti-Monitor in the Sixth Dimension Raid
- Equip the Fifth Dimensional Eyes from the Mister Mxyzptlk in the One Who Waits Alert
- Equip the Sixth Dimensional Eyes from the Superman in the Sixth Dimension Raid
- Equip the Source Energy Eyes from the Giganta in Doomed Washington, D.C.
- Equip the Ultraviolet Eyes from the Sinestro in the Umbrax the Ultraviolet Duo
[...] the Antisocial
Social Distancing: Defeat each boss without spreading Mental Distortion to another player in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Elite (Critical))
[...] the Arkham Antiquary
Haunted House 5: Arkham Night: Collect all 6 Arkham Asylum Base Items from the 2017 Witching Hour event
- Shallow Arkham Grave
- Arkham Asylum Gate
- Long Arkham Asylum Fence
- Short Arkham Asylum Fence
- Long Arkham Asylum Wall
- Short Arkham Asylum Wall
[...] the Art Critic
Art Preservation Society (Elite (Standard)): Defeat Sixth Dimension Superman without defeating either of their statues in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Elite (Standard))
[...] the Art Snob
Art Preservation Society: Defeat Sixth Dimension Superman without defeating either of their statues in The Sixth Dimension Raid (Normal)
[...] the Astrologer
Artifact Avoidance: During the Atlantis: Silent School (Normal) Alert, in the second boss fight, defeat the Faceless One without disabling any of the artifacts.
[...] the Batty
Bats Gone Wild: Defeat Man-Bat in the Rise of the Bat 4-Player Operation without anyone being knocked out
[...] the Beach Bum
Fun in the Sun: Collect all 12 Base Items from the 2016 Tides of War seasonal event
[...] the Beast
Aeaea's Bane: Destroy 390 of Circe's Sisyphean Stones
[...] the Beetle Juicer
The Unloved Bug: Squish 702 Kahndaqi Beetles in Infernal Kahndaq
[...] the Bhaddest
Cache Me Outside: Destroy 100 Apex armament cache locations while disguised as a Dark Robin in Death Metal Washington, D.C.
[...] the Big Kahuna
Beach Cleanup Crew: Collect all Nefarious Beach Party collections
[...] the Bomb
Hot Head: Collect all styles in the Nuclear (Elite) set
the Bounty Hunter [...]
Bountiful Beatings: Complete each of these Feats in Doomed Washington, D.C.:
- Grodd Bod
- Cheetah Chaser
- Manta Hunt
- Gigantic Gauntlet
[...] the Brigadier
Buckets of Justice: Defeat 10 Flames of Injustice summoned by Injustice in Infernal Kahndaq
[...] the Bullheaded
Udder Chaos: During the Metal Pt. II: Damage Control (Normal) Alert, complete the following:
- In a single run, defeat the Zodiac Magus without defeating any of the charging Taurus Guardians
- In a single run, defeat each of the Taurus Guardian before the next Taurus Guardian spawns.
[...] the Champion of Life
In Brightest Day: Open the Resplendent Cache
[...] the Chiropterologist
Bat-Men?: In Amusement Mile's Gang War, locate and defeat Man-Bat Commandos.
[...] The Cleaner
They Call me the Cleaner: Complete the FP: Queen's Row Penitentiary Duo (Normal) without any players getting Knocked Out
[...] the Conqueror
Conquered the Conqueror: During the Starro: The Threat Below Raid (Normal or Elite), never allow anyone in the group to be knocked out for the entire Raid
[...] the Controller
Mission Control: Achieve level 10 and gain the Controller role
[...] the Cosmic
Hard Headed: In Legion: HQ Orientation, Normal Mode only, do not remove any of Evil Cosmic Boy's protective Shields
[...] the Criminal
Everything is Awesome: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Notorious Emblem set
[...] the Crypt Runner
Holistic Cryptography: During Wonderverse: Crypt of Penthesilea (Normal), solve all three chambers and destroy all three magical wards within 18 seconds of starting any chamber
[...] the Cursed
Power Corrupts: Collect all styles in the Corrupted set
[...] the Dark
Darker Emblems: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Dark Emblem set
- Enhanced Constantine Emblem
- Enhanced Deadman Emblem
- Enhanced Etrigan Emblem
- Enhanced Madame Xanadu Emblem
- Enhanced Raven Emblem
- Enhanced Shade Emblem
- Enhanced Swamp Thing Emblem
- Enhanced Zatanna Emblem
[...] the Deadly
Metal Couture: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Speed-Metal set
[...] the Decoy
Reflection Dissection: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, during the second boss fight, only defeat Mirror Master after defeating 11 Mirror Images first
[...] the Demolitionist
Bombs, Ahoy!: During a single run of the Titans Targeted! (Normal) Alert, disable 32 of the bombs Deathstroke left in Titans Tower without allowing any of them to explode.
[...] the Denier
Sack the Vandal: During the A Rip in Time Operation, defeat the final boss in ancient Kahndaq without allowing him to ever utilize his Savage Blast in a single run
[...] the Devastating
Preying an Predators (Elite or Elite Plus): Defeat Perpetua after defeating 24 Apex Predators in her fight during The Source Wall Raid (Elite or Elite Plus)
[...] the Devoted
Love is in the Lair: Add all 9 Base Items from the Love Conquors All 2016 event to your Base inventory
[...] the Dimension Slayer
6d, 7d... Whatever It Takes: Sixth Dimension Superman defeated in level 30 of Survival Mode: Season 3
[...] the Divine
You Built a Shiny Zoo!: Collect all styles in the Divine Zeus, Divines Hades, Divine Athena, Divine Amazon Eagle, Divine Aphrodite, Divine Hecate, Divine Ares and Divina Hera sets - Title No Longer Available
[...] the Doomed
Doom Patrolling: In Flashpoint Gotham City, help defeat Subject Doomsday 50 times
[...] the Doomsdayer
Boom Goes the Crystal: In Doomed Metropolis, find and destroy the crystalizing Doomsday plague spores.
[...] the Elementalist
Elemental Eradication: In 31st Century: New Earth, destroy 66 Elementals
[...] the Eavesdropper
A Daydream Believer and a Homecoming Queen (All): During World of Flashpoint: The Royal War (Event, Normal, or Elite), listen to Emperor Aquaman and Queen Diana taunt one another
[...] the Ego Killer
Conqueror of Ego: Defeat Pride (Deadly Enemies) 55 times in Infernal Kahndaq
[...] the Exorcist
[...] the Exterminator
Waste Disposal: Defeat 100 enemies outside of Ace Chemicals (heroes)
Deconstructor: Destroy 100 construction robots at Steelworks (villains)
[...] the Extinguisher
Sprinkler of Justice: Defeat 50 Flames of Injustice summoned by Injustice in Infernal Kahndaq
[...] the Fallen
Gotta Destroy Em' All!: In Central City Starro Deluge Zone, find and destroy the fallen Starro spores that are being ejected from the giant Starro flying above Central City
[...] The Firewalker
Smoldering Survivors: During the BoP: Fire & Brimstone (Elite) Raid, defeat the first boss without anyone having been KOed with the Smoldering Grasping Hand debuff active in a single run of the fight.
[...] the Forceful
Puttin' on a Clinic: Meta-Therapy Clinic Alert (Elite): Defeat Major Force after inflicting Brute Force against him each opportunity to do so
[...] the Freedom Fighter
To Free or Not to Free: During the Homecoming: Party at Titans Tower Alert:
- Defeat Blackfire after releasing Robin
- Defeat Blackfire after releasing Blue Beetle
- Defeat Blackfire after releasing Jericho
- Defeat Blackfire after releasing Static
- Defeat Blackfire without freeing any Teen Titans
[...] The Gambler
Dice Counter: Avoid failing Mister Mxyzptlk's dice game by capturing more than the rolled number of turrets in The One Who Waits (Normal or Elite) Alert
[...] the Gladiator
Entering the Ring: Lex Luthor defeated in Round 1 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
[...] the Goddess
Isis Crisis: Complete these feats in Godseye Pyramid Alert:
- Monstrosity Mash Pt.I
- Monstrosity Mash Pt.II
- Orbs Absorbed
- Isis Empowered
[...] the Green
Shamrock & Roll: Use 20 Clover Bombs
[...] the Harbinger
A Crisis Collection: Complete the The Journey collection
[...] the Haunted
Howl-O-Ween: Collect all styles in the Werewolf set
[...] the Healer
The Healing Touch: Achieve level 10 and gain the Healer role
[...] the Heavy Hitter
Sock'em!: During Metal Pt. I: Batcave Breach (Normal) defeat Sinestro without allowing his Yellow Robot Construct to win any rounds
[...] the Historian
[...] the Hoarder
Rainbow Spackling: Complete the following feats in the Temples of Source Power Solos:
- Brick by Green Brick
- Brick by Blue Brick
- Brick by Yellow Brick
- Brick by Red Brick
[...] the Hunter
Becoming the Hunter: Vampire Lord defeated in Round 15 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
[...] the Ichthyologist
Aqualung: Collect the Aquarium Aura style
[...] the Ignored
Please Don't Squeeze (Event or Normal): Defeat One Who Laughs without any players being grabbed by a Dark Tentacle during The Source Wall Raid (Event or Normal)
[...] the Invader
It's Conquering Time: Collect all styles in the Conqueror set
[...] the Just
Justice Symbol Aficionado: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Time Torn Emblem set
[...] the Justified
Firehose of Justice: Defeat 100 Flames of Injustice summoned by Injustice in Infernal Kahndaq
[...] the Knight
Eternal Knight: Collect all style in the Enhanced Future Crusader style
[...] the Kraken Slayer
Kraken Clash (Event): In the Speed Force Flux Raid (Event), No one get Knocked Out during the Paradox Kraken fight
[...] the Librarian
Book by its Cover: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, locate:
- To Eternity and Beyond
- Sargon the Sorcerer's Autobiography
- Cei-U and Other Magic Words
- A History of the Starheart
- Seances: Beyond the Veil
- "Sleight of Hand : dnaH fo thgielS" by Giovanni Zatara
- Adventures of Alley-Kat-Abra
- Magic for Dum-Dums
- Ebontome (Abridged)
[...] the Mad
Half Cracked: In the JLD: Shattered Gotham Raid (Normal), reach 50% Madness in the Tala fight and remain above 50% Madness for the rest of the instance.
[...] the Magical
- Gem Crusher: Destroy 350 of Mordru's Ensorcelled Gems
[...] the Main Man
Scourge o' the Cosmos: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Main Man set
[...] the Malevolent
The Queen's Favorite: Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by Circe
[...] the Merciful
A Fate Worse Than Death: Defeat Lady Blackhawk in Metal Pt. II: The Phoenix Cannon (Normal or Elite) without knocking out Lieutenant Thrasher.
[...] the Metalhead
Absolute Metal: During the Monsters of Metal (Elite) Raid, win the final boss fight only after first defeating Red Death, the Merciless, all Dark Robins, and after having closed all Dark Multiverse Portals.
[...] the Metallic
Gold Medal Man-Bat: Stop the Giant Metal Man-Bat from rampaging in Metal Gotham City
[...] the Minotaur
Lord of the Labyrinth: Collect the Minotaur's Visage style
[...] the Monarch
- Lord of the Wings: Collect the Swallowtail Butterfly Wings style
[...] the Monster
Evil Undead: Complete these feats in Godseye Pyramid Alert:
- Croc Hunting
- Jackal Grapple
- Bird Fodder
- Mummy Dearest
[...] the Mysterious
Mystery Master: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, complete these feats:
- Book by its Cover
- Seven Fellows and Fate
- Finding and Unbinding
- Acolyte of Mystery
- Magical Mystery Memories
[...] the Mystic
Stacking the Deck: Complete Madam Xanadu's Cards of Fortune Collection
[...] the Nature Lover
The Flowers Remain the Same (Elite): During World of Flashpoint: The Royal War (Elite), defeat Queen Diana without trampling any of Hera's Fields of Lilies
[...] the Nervous
Just Getting Started: Baron Von Savage defeated in level 1 of Survival Mode: Season 3
[...] the Nightmare
Welcome to My Nightmare: The Terrorium Raid (Normal): Defeat DeSaad without knocking out Nightmare DeSaad
[...] the Nocturnal
Goodnight Bat (Elite): In the Gotham City Zoo Elite Raid, during the Iconic Man-Bat fight, defeat each Iconic Man-Bat within five seconds of the first KO.
[...] the Nyctophobic
Afraid of the Dark: Abandoned Subway Duo (Elite): Defeat all three Bosses without activating any Aggressive Shadows
[...] The Outsider
Brighten A Dark Knight: Collect the Bat-Signal - Interactive Base Item
[...] the Parasitic
No Drain No Pain: Meta-Therapy Clinic Alert: Defeat Parasite after successfully boosting Static with the Static Charge each opportunity to do so
[...] the Patient
Patience is a Virtue: During the CCPD portion of the Story Mission (Normal), in a single run, defeat all four Supercharged Starro in a single instance, after they have completely drained the energy on the cell doors
[...] the Perfectionist
Perfect Scores: Complete each carnival game on Homecoming: Titans Island perfectly:
- Scooch Your Booty (Touch every Green Square without Touch a Red Square)
- Shooting Gallery (Destroy at least 40 Drones)
- Boulder Toss & Bowl (Hit all 25 Targets)
[...] the Perseverant
Proud Perseverance While confronting Pride in Infernal Kahndaq, complete these feats:
- Sentinels of Pride
- Conqueror of Ego
- Flight of the Firenadoes
[...] the Persistent
Persistence is Brutal: Complete the Godseye Pyramid Alert (Elite Plus) 18 times
[...] the Predator
Deep Dive: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Abyssal set
[...] the Protector
Protector of Knowledge: Achieve Trusted status with the Sentinels of Magic
[...] the Proud
Bird Watching: During the Desecrated Cathedral Alert, don't let ally Raven's health ever get below 75% while fighting enemy Raven
[...] the Psychic
Mental Mettle: Complete these Metal Pt. II: Batscape Duo feats:
- Mental Guard Part 1
- Mental Guard Part 2
- Let Your Guard Down
- Dark Knightmares
- Inner Demon Slayer
- Barba-Toss
- Apparition Abolition
[...] the Pugilist
Once More over the Breach: Defeat level 1 of Survival Mode: Season 2
[...] the Punisher
Don't Get Gonged: Defeat all of the League Lookouts before they sound the alarms in Nanda Parbat
[...] The Pyromaniac
Nice and Toasty (Elite): During the FP: Queen's Row Penitentiary Duo (Elite), do not turn on the fire suppression system for Intense Heat during the fight against Flashpoint Heatwave
[...] the Rat Catcher
Central City Pest Control: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Event, Normal, or Elite) Raid, defeat 123 Alley Rats and/or Kings Rats over multiple runs
[...] the Reaper
Knocking on Death's Door: In Time-Torn Area 51 place 15 Paradox Beacons to summon forth Paradox Reapers
[...] the Relentless
Suff of Legends: During the Prison Break Operation (Elite), defeat each boss without getting knocked out during the fight
[...] the Resolute
[...] the Robotic
Pull the Plug: Deactivate the Giant Robot attacking Titans Tower on Titans Island
[...] the Rockhound
Umbrax the Ultra-Dead: Collect 150 Umbrax Shards in Death Metal Washington, D.C.
[...] the Rogue
Villainous Rogue: Achieve Trusted status with The Rogues
[...] the Ruthless
VP of Villainy: Achieve Trusted status with the LexCorp
[...] the Sanitation Engineer
Waste Elimination: Travel to Typhon's Monster Invasion and clear 20 lairs Typhon's monsters have holed up in
[...] the Scrooge
CEO Entrepreneur: Collect $1,000,000 worth of Treasure Pile base items from Cheetah in the House of Legends
[...] the Sculptor
Systematic Statue Smasher: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Normal) Raid, defeat the final bosses only after defeating 4 Animated Statues during that attempt
[...] the Sentinel
Validus Vanquisher: In 31st Century: New Earth, help defeat and imprison Validus 50 times
[...] the Sharpshooter
Sensational Shooter: Destroy 450 Titan Drones while playing the Shooting Gallery game on Homecoming: Titans Island
[...] the Sidekick
It's So Crazy, It Just Might Work: Complete 15 missions for Jimmy Olsen in Death Metal Washington, D.C.
[...] the Slayer
Stake Well Done: During the JLD: Darkness Rising (Normal) Alert, defeat the Vampire Lord in 50 seconds.
[...] the Soulless
Sentinels of Pride: Defeat 333 Soulless Sentinels summoned by Pride in Infernal Kahndaq
[...] the Speedster
Quick, Fast And In A Flurry: Collect all styles in the Enhanced Quicksuit set
[...] the Strange
Haunted House 4: Strangest Things: Collect all 13 Base Items from the 2016 Witching Hour event
- Candlestick - Short
- Candlestick - Very Short
- Candlesticks - Short Group
- Gothic Club Window
- Hanging Lantern - Short
- Iron Rail - Pointed
- Lamppost - Four Lights
- Lamppost - Single Light
- Orange Crystal Pedestal
- Orange Spotlight
- Purple Crystal Pedestal
- Spotlight
- Wall Sconce
[...] the Summoner
You've Been Summoned: The Terrorium Raid (Normal): Defeat DeSaad without defeating any Parademon Summoners
[...] the Tamaranean
Nearly Pacifist Party: Complete the Homecoming: Party at Titans Tower Alert without defeating any of the Tamaraneans that Blackfire calls in
[...] the Tank
Tanks Very Much: Achieve level 10 and gain the Tank role
[...] the Terminator
Crush Your Enemies and See Them Driven Before You: Knock out 10000 enemy players in arena matches
[...] the Terrible
Trigon's Inferno: During the Unholy Matrimony Operation, defeat Trigon without allowing him to gain any Demonic Energy
[...] the Terrifying
Embracing Terror: Defeat Ultraviolet Sinestro without using John Stewart's Protection Construct in the Umbrax Ultraviolet Duo (Event or Normal)
[...] The Time Traveler
The Time Traveler: Complete these feats from the War-Torn Village:
- Iconic Inflitration
- Silent but Deadly
- Blackhawk Wingman
- Ally Pal-y
- Six Savage Truths
[...] the Titan Lord
Lords in Order: Defeat the Titan Lords in a specific order in The Source Wall Raid (Normal, Elite, or Elite Plus):
- Theon, Jakkec, Kerbak, Proma
- Jakkec, Proma, Theon, Kerbak
- Proma, Kerbak, Jakkec, Theon
- Kerbak, Theon, Proma, Jakkec
[...] the Tomb Raider
Tomb Raiding: Complete these feats in Godseye Pyramid Alert:
- Schrodinger's Trap
- Scarab Buster
- Treasure Ledger
[...] the Tourist
Those Wonderful Toys: Dakota City: Destroy 555 Gizmo's toys - blimps or helicopters
[...] the Tycoon
Head of Research: Achieve Trusted status with the WayneTech
[...] the Ultraviolet
Construct Criticism: Stop Ultraviolet Nightmare constructs from rampaging in Doomed Washington, D.C. 50 times
[...] the Undead
Hunting the Undead: Vampire Lord defeated in Round 5 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
[...] the Undying
Undying Corruption: During the Blackest Day Operation, defeat the final boss while all 8 members of the group suffer from Fatal Corruption yet are never KOed on that attempt
[...] the Unimpressed
Magnetic Personality: Evil Cosmic Boy defeated in level 5 of Survival Mode: Season 3
[...] the Unjust
No Possibility of Parole: During the Earth 3: Injustice System (Normal) Alert, take down the Judge last, after the Juror and Executioner, in the Gotham Courthouse Fight
[...] the Unnoticed
Ex-Squeeze Me (Elite): Defeat One Who Laughs without any players being grabbed by a Dark Tentacle and after defeating all of them during The Source Wall Raid (Elite)
[...] the Vandal
Sneaky Spray Master: In Amusement Mile's Gang War, cover graffiti from each side of the gag war with the other side's tags to further enflame the situation.
[...] the Vampire Slayer
Bit More Than He Could Chew: Vampire Lord defeated in Round 25 of Survival: Titan's Training Room
[...] the Wanderer
Intrepid Explorer: Explore every Gotham/Metropolis district, as well as all Alerts/Raids in the classic game
[...] the Warmonger
Brothers and Sisters in Arms (All): During World of Flashpoint: The Royal War (Event, Normal, or Elite), defeat 162 Atlanteans and Amazons fighting on the beach below New Themyscira
[...] the Wave Rider
Dead Water Derby: During the Metal Pt. II: Damage Control (Normal or Event) Alert, defeat 100 Controlled Giant Seahorses over multiple runs.
[...] the Wild Card
The Joker in the Deck: Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by The Joker
[...] the Wizard
Tougher Than a Fortress: Complete the Rock of Eternity segment in the Pub Crawl Duo (Normal) without getting knocked out.
[...] Ultimate Hellfighting Champion
Rock It: In the Wastelands Wonderland Duo, protect the Sentinels and never allow a single Crystal summoning to fail
[...] Ultraviolet Corps
Ultra Doomed: In Doomed Washington, D.C., complete all of the following Ultraviolet related feats:
- Stop Ultraviolet Nightmare constructs from rampaging in Doomed Washington, D.C. 50 times
- Defeat 270 Ultraviolet Lanterns in Doomed Washington, D.C.
- Destroy 30 Ultraviolet Lantern Teleporters while fighting Ultraviolet Nightmares in Doomed Washington, D.C.
- Disable 50 Ultraviolet Lantern Devices while fighting Ultraviolet Nightmares in Doomed Washington, D.C.
- Equip Ultraviolet Orbital Uplink Device
- Equip Henchmen Uplink Device: Ultraviolet Lanterns
[...] Warden
Warden Woes: During the Metal Pt. II: Damage Control (Normal) Alert, prevent all Metalized Lanterns from escaping to Thanagar in a single run of the Dawnbreaker fight.
[...] Warrior of Truth
Warrior of Truth: Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Wonder Woman
[...] Weaponer of Qward
Well Qward-Inated: Collect all styles in the Qwardian Weaponer set
[...] Your Worst Nightmare
Last in First Out: During the FP: Flashtastic Voyage (Elite) Raid, during the second boss fight, defeat the Rogues in the opposite order that they joined the fight, finishing with the 3 initial Rogues