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Throne of the Dead is a Tier 3 Raid in the Amazon Fury Part II episode. It also features an elite version.

Hades at his throne

Villains join Circe while Heroes join Wonder Woman as they confront Ares and Hades in their bastion of war and death.

  • Open your On Duty Menu and look for the new Raid under Expert Tier 3 of the 8 Player Tab.
  • There is also an Elite version of this Raid that offers greater rewards! Players must complete the regular version of Throne of the Dead in order to queue for the Elite version.
  • Combat Rating requirement: 100




Map - Throne of the Dead


Confront Ares and Hades in the latter's throne room, where Hippolyta's soul is held.

You must defeat Ares, who will summon an Essence of War, and waves of Warring Shades. While the Essence is alive, Ares take only 1 damage from all attacks.

In Elite, this is considerably harder as the Essence of War is healed when it is hit by any attack, except that done by a tank player (and their pets, Snow Devil and Brick Golem; non-tank specific pets like Robot Sidekick will heal the Essence even if summoned by a tank), or Wonder Woman. Even Ares and Warring Shades will attack it to heal it. Therefore, two tanks is generally needed. One would corner the Essence (preferably at the throne, away from the gates where Warring Shades spawn) and kill it, while the other keeps Ares and the Shades' attention. All players other than the Essence tank should focus on killing Shades as quickly as possible.

After defeating Ares, defeat Hades' three judges, and then Hades himself.

  • Blissful Lamentation: Applied on a player who will damage nearby players over time (displays source player name).
  • Paintheon: Hades burns, stuns, and teleports a random player into a side chamber, where they must defeat a single Shade Guard to open a portal back to the main room.
  • Reflective Shield: Hades spins his staff, damaging any players who hit him.

Upon defeat, Hades ask for Ares' help, but Ares betrays him and strikes him down. Circe offers an alliance with Ares, who accepts. They escape with Hippolyta's soul.

Wonder Woman furiously declares she would move heaven and earth to get her mother back. (Heroes)

Circe traps and teleports Wonder Woman away. (Villains)



  • Weapons: Level 98 brawling, dual pistols, martial arts, one-handed, rifle, two-handed | Level 100 bow, staff
  • Armour: Level 98 feet, hands, head, shoulders, waist | Level 100 Feet
  • Accessories: Level 98 neck, ring | Level 100 neck

Aeacus, Minos & Rhadamanthus

  • Weapons: Level 98 dual wield, one-handed, staff | Level 100 brawling, staff
  • Armour: Level 98 back, chest, feet, shoulders, waist
  • Accessories: Level 98 ring, trinket | Level 100 face, ring


  • Weapons: Level 98 bow, dual pistols, one-handed, rifle, shield, staff
  • Armour: Level 98 back, chest, feet, head, hands, legs, shoulders, waist | Level 100 hands, head, shoulders, waist
  • Accessories: Level 98 face, neck, ring, trinket | Level 100 trinket | Level 102 face


Briefings and Investigations[]




  • Antique Throneshow: Collect 54 Greek Vases during the Throne of the Dead raid (10 Points)
  • Final Destination: Defeat each stage of the Throne of the Dead raid without any group members getting knocked out (50 Points)
  • Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged: Defeat the Judges of the Underworld with each Judge having been banished by Hades during the Throne of the Dead raid (10 Points)
  • Kill Thrill: Defeat 9 Shades with the maximum benefit from the Thrill of Battle buff during the Throne of the Dead raid (25 Points)
  • Throne Room Upkeep: Restore 18 Statues of Hades during the Throne of the Dead raid (10 Points)
  • Totally Totem-Free: Defeat 36 Totem Masters before they can place a Totem of Hades during the Throne of the Dead raid (10 Points)


  • Death Proof: Complete the Throne of the Dead (Elite) raid without any group members getting knocked out (50 Points)
  • Made in the Shade: Defeat the Shades in the outer rooms within 4 seconds of one another during the Hades fight in the Throne of the Dead (Elite) raid (10 Points)
  • One Round: Defeat the Judges in the Throne of the Dead (Elite) raid after each Judge has become active only once during the first phase of the fight (25 Points)


