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The Last Son of Krypton

The Last Son of Krypton is a Tier 4 solo Challenge in The Death of Superman released in June 2018.

Access to The Death of Superman content is free for all players.

Warning: This article might contain spoilers!


"Superman’s body has gone missing from the Fortress of Solitude! Supergirl has concluded that someone has used the Phantom Zone projector to take his body, which could lead to dire consequences if it is weaponized. Go to the Phantom Zone with Supergirl and find out who is behind this inter-dimensional grave robbery!"


"This communication is in extreme confidence because frankly, I need help. Superman's body has disappeared from the Fortress of Solitude. Someone accessed the Fortress via the the Phantom Zone projector and took him! Even departed, Superman's body could be weaponized so I must recover it. I'll meet you in the Phantom Zone. " — Supergirl

Supergirl has asked for assistance in recovering Superman's body from the Phantom Zone.


"What you did for my cousin was unexpected, but appreciated, which is why I'm trusting you to help me again. Superman's body has disappeared from the Fortress of Solitude. Someone accessed it via the Phantom Zone projector and took it! Even departed, Superman's body could be weaponized, so I must recover it. Please, meet me in the Phantom Zone. " — Supergirl
"(Chuckles) I don't know about you, but my profits have skyrocketed since we took out Superman. How about we double those numbers. Goldilocks contacting you presents another "two birds, one stone" opportunity. I'll be in touch. " — Calculator

Supergirl has asked for assistance in recovering Superman's body from the Phantom Zone. Calculator sees this as another golden opportunity.


The Last Son of Krypton map

The map for The Last Son of Krypton is the same as the one in The Phantom Zone alert, except you enter from the northeast instead of southwest, and only the first three rooms are involved.


Aided by Supergirl, fight through several rooms filled with Kryptonian soldiers until you reach the final chamber. They are almost all found in pairs; inexperienced players can get through much easier if they are careful to only provoke a pair at a time to fight them.

Superman is found held by Xa-Du, the Phantom King, who engineered the Doomsday Plague to enact his revenge against the House of El for being sentenced to the Phantom Zone and intends to trap Supergirl as well.

Upon his defeat, hero players rescue Superman and they all escape the Phantom Zone. Villain players steal Superman's DNA before Calculator reactivates the red sun projector, trapping both Superman and Supergirl in the Phantom Zone while the player makes their escape.



Briefings and Investigations[]

  • n/a


  • n/a


  • Lights Out: In the Last Son of Krypton Solo Mission, turn off all of the Yellow Sun Projectors to weaken Xa-Du before defeating him. (10 Points)
  • Phantom Zone Enforcer: In the Last Son of Krypton Solo Mission, defeat 111 Kryptonian Phantom Zone prisoners over multiple runs. (25 Points)
  • Shine On, You Crazy Phantom: In the Last Son of Krypton Solo Mission, leave on all of the Yellow Sun Projectors to defeat Xa-Du at full strength. (25 Points)

Additional lore[]

There are three consoles throughout the instance that plays a voice recording once. They cannot be replayed. They give further insight on the plot to defeat and abduct Superman.

  • "Assessment 239-L" is in the first half of the first chamber. After playing, Supergirl will comment that the mastermind is not General Zod. If you defeat all the mobs in the second half of the chamber after the door, this becomes unplayable even if you didn't play it, so play it before engaging them if you don't want to miss it, or you'll have to restart the instance.
  • "Assessment 239-M" is in the second half of the first chamber. After playing, Supergirl will be appalled by the cruelty and note that it sounds like someone her mother mentioned before. It becomes unplayable when you open the second door.
  • "Assessment 239-N" is in the corridor right before the second chamber. It becomes unplayable if you defeat all the mobs in the second chamber.

There is a tube at the north wall of Xa-Du's chamber that can only be interacted with after you help Superman (heroes) or steal Superman's DNA (villains). Interacting with it yields a pop-up text explaining it's a sample of the Doomsday plague and its significance.


  • Kryptonian Grenadier
  • Kryptonian Guard
  • Kryptonian Sapper
  • Kryptonian Soldier
  • Kryptonian Trooper

The enemy Combat Rating is 247.



  • The Last Son of Krypton is story wise a follow up to Doomsday (Raid) and it is the conclusion of The Death of Superman episode.
  • There is a console right outside Xa-Du's boss room that allows you to skip the cutscene when you enter his presence. However, if you use the console before clearing all the mobs, the cutscene would still play when you go in.
  • There are also several non-functional consoles that are identical to the voice clip playing ones. If you look closely, they all have reflections on their screens on Kryptonian crystalline structures, even though such structures are not visible at the positions of most of them.
  • The Kryptonian soldiers in this instance are similar to the ones in Kandor Central Tower and The Phantom Zone.


v · e · d
Heroes Power Girl - Steel - Superboy - Supergirl - Superman - Superman (Sixth Dimension)
Villains Bizarro - Brainiac - Bruno Mannheim - Doomsday - General Zod - Hank Henshaw - Kalibak - King Shark - Lex Luthor - Livewire - Metallo - Mister Mxyzptlk - Non - Parasite - Toyman - Ultra-Humanite - Ultraman - Ursa - Xa-Du
Other Alura - Jimmy Olsen - Jonathan Kent - Jor-El - Krypto - Lana Lang - Livewire - Lois Lane - Lora - Maggie Sawyer - Martha Kent - Pete Ross - Zor-El
Bottle City - Kryptonite - Kryptonian Bouncy Sphere - Phantom Zone Kryptonite Chunk - Phantom Zone Projector - Red Kryptonite - Sunstone Crystal - Superman Reward Cache
Weapons Parasite's Power Harness
Apparel Avatar Bombardier - Bizarro Cap - Brainiac Invader - Brainiac's Back-Mounted Cannons - Cadmus T-Shirt - Corrupted Kryptonian Gauntlets - Cybernetic Semblance - Daily Planet Cap - Doomsday's Savage Spines - Enhanced Lex Luthor Emblem - Enhanced LexCorp Salvation 2022 - Fallen God - Future Luthor Eyepiece - Hijacked Servitor - House of El Warsuit - Kryptonian (Style) - Kryptonian Commander - Kryptonian Flexsuit - Kryptonian Medico - Kryptonian Military - Kryptonian Militia - Lex Luthor Emblem - LexCorp Salvation - LexCorp T-Shirt - Metallo's Maw - Phantom Zone Reaver - Plastic Lex Luthor Mask - Plastic Superman Mask - Power (Style) - Power Girl's Reinforced Grips - Shock Jock - Sixth Dimension Kryptionian - Stalwart Defender - STAR Ex - STAR Labs Cap - STAR Labs Hoodie - Steel Cap - STEELsuit MK-1 - Sunstone Bulwark - Sunstone Edge - Superboy Hoodie - Supergirl's Kandorian Battleboots - Superman Doll Accessory - Superman Hoodie - Superman's 80th Emblem - Talon Lord - Visitor's - Zonewalker
Base Items BvS Fight - Superman POV Poster - BvS Fight - Superman POV Poster (Landscape) - BvS Fight - Superman POV Poster (Landscape - League) - BvS Fight - Superman POV Poster (League) - BvS Fight - Superman POV Poster (Purchased) - BvS Superman Poster - BvS Superman Poster (Purchased) - BvS Superman Poster (League) - Comic Stack - Superman #14 - Comic Stack - World Without a Superman - Hall of Justice - Superman Statue - Hall of Justice - Superman Symbol - Large Poster - Superman #14 - Large Poster - World Without a Superman - Large Superman vs Doomsday Poster - League Hall Superman Statue Replica - Loading Screen Poster - Superman - Loading Screen Poster - Superman (Large) - Poster - Death of Superman - Poster - Superman #14 - Poster - World Without a Superman - Sixth Dimension Superman Statue - Superman Beach Towel & Sand - Superman Holiday Tree (Large) - Superman Holiday Tree - Superman Holiday Wreath - Superman Jack-o-Lantern - Superman Pride Parade Poster - Superman Rubble - Superman Statue Replica - Superman Stocking - Superman vs Doomsday Poster - Superman's Super Kiss Pride Poster
Ace o' Clubs - Bottle City of Kandor - Daily Planet Building - Fortress of Solitude - Kent Family Farm - Krypton - LexCorp Tower - Metropolis - Phantom Zone - Sixth Dimension Hall of Justice - Smallville - Starrware Industries - Steelworks - Suicide Slums - Stryker's Island
PvE Fortress of Solitude: The Chasm - Fortress of Solitude: Power Core - Fortress of Solitude: Sunstone Matrix - Krypton: House of El
PvP Fortress of Solitude (PVP Map)
Brainiac's Forces - Daily Planet - Intergang - Justice League of America - LexCorp - Metropolis Fire Department - Metropolis Police Department - New Gods - OMAC - Phantom Zoners - Project CADMUS - Science Police - S.T.A.R. Labs - Team Superman
Brainiac's Bottle Ship - Darkseid's War Factory - Home Turf - Kandor Central Tower - Origin Crisis - The Bombshell Paradox - The Death of Superman - The Phantom Zone - The Science Spire - The Will of Darkseid