DC Universe Online Wiki

Tetrahedron of Urgrund is an artifact recommended for the Damage role focused on superpowers.

Obtained from[]


  • As the artifact is upgraded over time it changes its rarity, ranks 0 to 39 have common, ranks 40 to 79 uncommon, ranks 80 to 119 rare, ranks 120 to 159 epic, ranks 160 to 180 legendary and rank 200 artifact rarity.
  • In DC comics, Urgrund is the world inhabited by the Old Gods, prior to its destruction and reformation into New Genesis and Apokolips, now inhabited by the New Gods. It is also referenced by the raid Necropolis: Relics of Urgrund.


v · e · d
Heroes Big Barda - Lightray - Mister Miracle - Orion
Villains Darkseid - Granny Goodness - Mad Harriet - Kalibak - Lashina - Mantis - Stompa - Steppenwolf - Brimstone
Other Bruno Mannheim - Bugs of New Genesis - Chang Tzu - Dreggs - Female Furies - Parademons
Boom Tube
Weapons Cog of Mageddon - Tetrahedron of Urgrund
Apparel Apokoliptian General - Apokoliptian Shocktrooper - Astro Helmet - Astro - Cape of the Deserter - Daring Fury Helmet - Domineering Fury Headgear - Fourth World - Furious - Imperial Insect - Helm of the Furies - Insect Colonist - Miraculous - New Genesis - Parademon Sentry - Progeny of Darkseid
Vehicles Mobius Chair
Apokolips - Celestial City - Happiness Home - New Genesis - Oolong Island
PvE Energy Conversion Chamber - Happiness Home - Necropolis - New Genesis (Location) - Oolong Island (Alert)
Amazons of Themyscira - Justice Society of America - Justice League of America - Intergang - Olympians - Kingdom of Heaven
Darkseid's War Factory - Halls of Power Part I - Halls of Power Part II - The Will of Darkseid