DC Universe Online Wiki

A Stabilizer is a special currency that can be purchased in the Marketplace or earned by completing multiple Events that reward Stabilizer Fragments.

A Stabilizer allows you to settle the molecules of Time Capsules and receive offerings from anywhere in the Multiverse!

Each Stabilizer is a one-time use item and can only be traded to other characters on your account.

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  • A Marketplace Stabilizer can be purchased for 100 Daybreak Cash (PC) or Marketplace Cash (Console). A 20 pack is available for 1900 Daybreak Cash or Marketplace Cash.
  • 15 Stabilizer Fragments will automatically combine to form a Stabilizer. The number of Stabilizer Fragments that are rewarded in events depend on the membership level.
  • Several limited time special events are planned that will drop Stabilizer Fragments. Stabilizer Events will repeat similar to Legends PVE Events with at least one active at a time.

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DC Universe Online What Are Stabilizers
