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Raising Hades is a Tier 4 Duo in Amazon Fury Part III released in November 2016.

Access to the Raising Hades Duo requires a Combat Rating of 150. The Duo rewards Source Marks.


Talk Screen - Wonder Woman
"Ares never wanted anything to do with the Underworld, he used Hades as a pawn to get to my mother. With no king, the Shades are unruly and the Underworld in shambles. We need to find Hades and restore him to his rightful place as ruler." — Wonder Woman
Talk Screen - Circe
"..." — Circe

There is trouble in the Underworld. And there’s a good deal of trouble beginning to brew on Olympus. It’s become clear that Hades needs to be back on his throne as the rightful Lord of the Dead, but to get him there, you’re going to need to intervene. Head to the Underworld and try to stop the chaos, but be alert! Who knows what sort of monsters are waiting as you attempt restore Hades as Lord of the Dead and seek his aid in regaining Olympus.


  • Ixion the False Lord
  • Aello the Swift
  • Celaeno the Dark
  • Barghest
  • Orthrus
  • Old Shuck
  • Hoplite Soldier

The enemy combat rating is 186.



Map - Raising Hades


  1. Find Hades
    1. Defeat Nest of Harpies [First Boss Fight]
    2. Defeat Trio of Hell Hounds [Second Boss Fight]
  2. Defeat Ixion, False Lord of the Dead [Final Boss Fight]
  3. Speak with Hades
  4. Exit the Underworld





Briefings and Investigations[]


  • n/a


  • No Magic for You!: Defeat the Harpies on the first attempt without allowing them to secure the Dark Crystals (25 points)
  • Good... Hell Doggy: Defeat the Hellhounds in the following ways (each must be accomplished on the first attempt, requires multiple runs) (25 points + Grants title: Beastmaster):
    • After allowing the Hellhounds to resurrect at least 4 times
    • Without allowing any Hellhounds to resurrect
  • Do You Feel That?: Defeat Ixion the False Lord on the first attempt without defeating any Shade minions before all 4 braziers are snuffed out (25 points)

