DC Universe Online Wiki

Lobo is an intergalactic bounty hunter from the Utopian planet Czarina. A notorious interstellar mercenary, Lobo has traveled across the galaxy bringing vengeance and wreaking havoc with his sadistic and vulgar attitude.

Identified as an ultra-violent, cigar-smoking, motorcycle riding rebel, Lobo has risen as an independent antihero who has often come into conflict with the heroes of the DC Universe. Known for his colorful speech and rapid regeneration, he has been a nuisance more than a threat.


Lobo, whose name comes from a Khund dialect  and means "one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it," is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise that knew nothing of war and the Czarnians were almost immortal. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane and became the planet's first mental patient in ten millennia after the infant Lobo chewed off four of her fingers. Lobo knew he was one of a kind, but he wanted even more. Inspired by the idea of genocide, Lobo created a swarm of lethal scorpion-like creatures, he set them on his people wiping out his entire species but himself. He claimed it was a science project and gave himself an 'A'. Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties.

Lobo made his first appearance on the planet Earth when he was hired by Manga Khan to take out the newly formed Justice League International. But after Big Barda teleported Lobo across the galaxy, Lobo landed on Earth smack in the Justice League Embassy. After a brief altercation with Guy Gardner, Lobo hung around, pretending to be a friend, waiting for the right moment.  But before he could act, Manga Khan canceled his contract. Despite his ruthless nature, Lobo has a strict code of honor when it comes to these agreements. Along the way he has met and battled a number of superheroes including Superman, who he has also worked with.

Lobo appeared on Earth to capture a bounty on the Red Lantern Atrocitus's head. After battling Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris and Sinestro, he left without finishing his job. The mystery of his retreat is revealed as the fight was all staged by Atrocitus in order for the latter to gain the trust of the New Guardians. As a payment, Lobo was given a Red Power Ring.


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