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Convergence of Unmaking (5)

Legion: Convergence of Unmaking is a tier 6 raid in the Long Live the Legion episode. It is also available as elite version.


Mordru's ritual has begun and threatens to erase 21st century inspirations from history. Head to Mordru's lair before you're next!


The enemy combat rating is 327.



Map - Mordru's Lair


You start the raid in a safe area, before teleporting to the 'Dark Multiverse'. Here you will encounter various random enemies (add mobs), including cloned Teen Titans/Legion members and some Shadow Demons. Be careful of skull icons above the Failed Raven Clone, Failed Donna Troy Clone, and Otherworld Demon Reflector, as they may reflect damage back and KO players attacking them - if a tank uses a Chronometric Emitter at the right time or stun them another way this should stop the reflect from occurring. Also be careful of Failed Cyborg Clones as if they shield they will restore their health and do significant damage to nearby players - this can be stopped by lunging (Hold Square to lunge on PS) them.

You then teleport to a second area where you encounter more add mobs like above. Shortly after there will be a cutscene where Shadow of Trigon will appear.

First boss: Shadow of Trigon[]


  • Hellfire Field: Shadow of Trigon may look at a random player and spawn a fire AOE under them. Do not stand in the AOE for too long as it does moderate damage over time, especially in the elite version.
  • Hell Beams: Shadow of Trigon will have a red skull icon above his head while looking at the player with the most hate (usually the tank), before firing a beam on the target, dealing multiple ticks of considerable damage.
  • Shadow of Trigon may look at a random player with a skull icon above his head, before shooting a small dark fireball directed at that player. In both regular and elite if this fireball hits a non-tank player this WILL KO the affected player. It is easy to avoid but the fireball is quite small and at times difficult to see due to other animations going on, so just be vigilant.
  • Induce Panic: Shadow of Trigon will have a red skull icon above his head while looking at the player with the most hate (usually the tank), before unleashing a roar, dealing considerable damage to the target (if in range) and stunning them. This can be interrupted/countered by lunging the boss.
  • Shadow of Trigon will have Shadow Tentacle adds active throughout the fight, and there will be more that spawn the longer the fight goes on. In the regular version you can defeat these and there is a feat related to this. In the elite version you won't be able to kill them. They do damage to nearby players (Swipe) so just be mindful of your positioning along with other mechanics.
  • Shadow of Trigon at approximately 75%/50%/25% health will spawn add spawns (Summoned Eye of the Empress). There will be onscreen text when this occurs, stating: "Shadow of Trigon Summons Eyes of the Empress". These should be aggro'd straight away by the tank and KO'd by the DPS as soon as possible. They do significant damage to the tank if left for too long, especially in elite.
  • Mass Void Strike: Periodically Shadow of Trigon will have a red skull icon above his head while flexing and looking at the floor and then standing straight, before spawning shadow orbital strikes on the group. These should be avoided or they will do significant damage.
  • Sometimes with (5), Shadow of Trigon will pull all players towards him and give them a purple proximity marker (Shadow Curse). All players should then spread out away from each other as soon as possible. If any players and their respective proximity markers are too close together they will do significant damage to both and may cause KOs especially in elite. This is then followed shortly after by mechanic (1) or (2). Note that if two players are too close, on the combat log it will show that you have taken moderate damage from your own Shadow Curse, and considerable/massive damage from the other player's Shadow Curse.

After Shadow of Trigon is defeated you proceed to the next area, defeat a small group of add mobs, before a cutscene introduces the second boss: Emerald Eye of Ekron.

Second boss: Emerald Eye of Ekron[]


  • The boss may teleport from time to time. The boss will either spin and shoot projectiles randomly which do moderate damage to players affected, or the boss will do a slam attack with a large red AOE (Sonic Screech). It is best practice to be out of the red AOE and block as the latter attack can one-shot (both regular and elite, especially the latter) - the damage of it is quite inconsistent and buggy so just be mindful of this.
  • Thorn Thrust: The boss may do a 360 cone attack, indicated by a brief cone red AOE marker on the floor in front of it (4 cone attacks). Avoid these and try to stay diagonal of the boss respective to the direction it was facing in when it started the 360 mechanic. If you are hit as a non-tank it will most likely KO in regular and more so in elite. Bear in mind the cones aren't exactly 90 degrees each time (especially the third cone).
  • Line of Sight: The boss may teleport and have a skull icon above his head before doing a 360 degree green laser. This will probably KO a non-tank player if they aren't blocking, even in regular but more so in elite. Avoid this laser or block (hold R1 on PS to block).
  • There will be orbitals randomly around the room, avoid these or they do moderate/significant damage. They will leave a green pool that does damage over time as well so it is best to avoid these.
  • Emerald Plasma: Although the Empress is not targetable, she will hover around the battlefield and maintain several continuous green lasers that deal moderate constant damage if you touch them.

Damage check phase (Elite only):[]

  • At approximately 66%/33% health, Eye of Ekron will become very briefly invulnerable (the first time there is a very short cutscene). This specifically happens in both regular and elite versions.
  • Shortly after this in the elite version there will be a damage check phase, indicated by a yellow bolt icon/timer above the Eye.
  • If you pass this the Eye will do one of his teleport attacks, or it will go straight into a 360 degree cone attack.
  • If the latter, it is best practice during and after the damage check for all players to not be directly in front of the eye's pupil, as the reaction time for the 360 degree cone attack is very short and may lead to KOs.
  • If the damage check isn't passed, the Eye will pull and mind control a random player before proceeding with other mechanics. It may mind control another player later.
  • Do some damage to the mind controlled player but not enough that it KO's the player - be especially careful as a Celestial Might DPS as Plague/Corrupted Divine Light glyphs do significant damage or one-shot mind controlled players - and the MC player will walk to Eye of Ekron and be in line of sight between you and the boss.

After the Eye is defeated, the Legion will create a pathway to lead you to another platform where Mordru is. There is another add spawn on this which you can either KO or throw off the platform. Be careful climbing up the platform as it is possible to fall off and respawn back on the platform with low health or be KO'd. After the add spawns are defeated one way or another Mordru appears to the group.

Last boss: Mordru[]

It is possible to fall off the platform throughout this fight. Heavy damage will be taken (Eldritch Devourer) and may KO if done in succession, especially in Elite. The player will be teleported to above the platform where the boss encounter is taking place after they fall, and will take the damage upon landing on the platform.

First phase:

  • Mordru may teleport to different parts of the platform. This will often be accompanied by a skull icon on his head.
  • Devouring Orbs: Mordru will do 1-3 orb attacks at once. He will throw up in the air purple orbs (usually between 3 and 6) and they will roll for a time within midrange on the floor. If a non-tank player is hit by this it will stun and then most likely KO, especially in elite.
  • Abyssal Impulse: Mordru will teleport 1-2 times in quick succession, placing himself at the centre back of the platform. He will then prepare another attack (indicated by red arrows on the floor around him pointing away from him, a skull icon above his head, and a sound indicator). All players should move close to him straight away as he will do a considerable knock back attack. If you react too late or are too far away you may get knocked off the platform. Tip: the ally NPCs, and any henchmen or other pets you or other players are using can be used as a cushion to fall back onto from the knock back attack - they can also block you from positioning correctly as well!
  • Mordru will give a player a purple pool. If this player gets too close to other players, it may turn them into a rock or tree (Form Change), leaving them hard stunned (they may also take considerable damage over time) - they will have to spam the action button in order to break free. It may also reduce the player's size to very small, hindering movement speed. Don't make a habit of this especially when close to knock back attacks. This attack can also cause lag if players are being transformed too often.
  • The platform will become slightly smaller in size in parts, allowing less room for error for knock back positions.

Second phase (similar to first but with subtle differences):

  • Mordru will grow in size somewhat, this will be accompanied with the sound indicator for the knock back attack.
  • When he does the orb attack the orbs will be much bigger and travel further across the platform. Avoid these.
  • The knock back will hit harder, so again less room for error with where you are knocked back to.

Last phase:

After a brief cutscene Mordru will become very big and half his body will loom over the platform.

  • Knockback phases continue. There is a small safe zone to the right of where Mordru is facing where DPS can station and damage the boss.
  • There will be add spawns periodically, these can be kept aggro by the tank while the DPS do large single target damage to the boss. They can also be thrown off the platform or defeated - this takes longer however.
  • Mordru may punch the platform and leave a bolt of lightning there - this will do moderate damage over time if walked into and is easy to avoid. If Mordru punches the platform close to where a player is they may be knocked back.
  • Fire Bowl: Mordru may fire a large fireball at a random player in the group. This fireball will move across the platform in a straight direction. If it hits a player it will do significant damage or probably KO, especially in Elite. Mordru may also do this from above if the player is close enough (Fire Strike).
  • Sorcerous Rebuke: Mordru's Gem will be active in this phase of the fight. Mordru may activate a gem beam on a random player. This player should move across the platform fast or it will do significant damage over time. The trail left behind by this beam following the affected player will also do damage over time to anyone who encounters it. Try not to stand in one spot or with other players - this may also be important in the Elite version for a feat.

After Mordru is down you have finished the boss fight and the raid.



Briefings and Investigations[]


  • n/a


  • Lifting the Curse: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Normal, Elite), have your group avoid all damage from Shadow of Trigon's Shadow Curse (10 points)
  • Line of Sight: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Normal, Elite), defeat Shadow of Trigon without defeating any of the Summoned Eye of the Empress (25 points)
  • On The Edge: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Normal), defeat Mordru without any group members falling into the abyss under the ritual platform (10 points), grants title: Lord of Order
  • Over the Edge: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Event, Normal), defeat Mordru after group members have fallen into the abyss at least 20 times (10 points), grants title: Lord of Chaos
  • Superfluid: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Normal, Elite), complete the Eye of Ekron fight without taking damage from Emerald Empress' Emerald Plasma (25 points)
  • Tentacle Slayer: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Normal), destroy 23 Shadow Tentacles before defeating Shadow of Trigon (25 points)


  • Abrupt Disruption: Complete the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Elite) in 11 minutes or less. (25 points)
  • In the Arms of the Eldritch: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Elite), defeat Shadow of Trigon after 20 or more Shadow Tentacles spawn (25 points)
  • Long Live Your Legion: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Elite), let no group members get knocked out during the following fights: (50 points)
    • Shadow of Trigon
    • Emerald Eye of Ekron
    • Mordru
  • On the Edge (Elite): In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Elite), defeat Mordru without any group members falling into the abyss under the ritual platform (25 points)
  • Staying Sane: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Elite), defeat the Emerald Empress without any group members get Mind Controlled by the Emerald Eye of Ekron (25 points)
  • Wonders of Zerox: Equip the Sorcerer's Supply Drop from Convergence of Unmaking (Elite) (50 points), grants title: of Zerox
  • You're a True Gem: In the Convergence of Unmaking Raid (Elite), defeat Mordru without taking any damage from Mordru's Gem (25 points)


  • Righteous Pyre consumables acquired from the Justice League Dark episode (by feeding Otherworldly Essence experience into a Lamp of Van Helsing) can be used to deal damage against the first boss, Shadow of Trigon, in this raid instance.
  • Outside of the Mordru boss fight, normally falling off the platforms would lead to you being instantly KO'ed by Abyss. However, on rare occasions this damage does not occur, allowing you to explore the bottom floor of the instance. If you go south far enough, the skybox would transition from the raid's to a completely different one with a light purple sky and a huge moon (like in Gotham). Go further, and you will fall off for a long time before the game automatically teleports you back onto one of the normal platforms.

