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Subjugated Doctor Fate

Zatanna is assembling a fellowship of powerful allies in the House of Mystery to formulate a plan for dealing with Klarion and the ancient magic that has been unleashed in Gotham.

  • Open your On Duty Menu and look for JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane under Expert Tier 5 of the 8 Player Tab.
  • Combat Rating: 210
  • For the Event Version – look for JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event) in the On Duty Menu under the Events Tab.
  • Minimum Level: 10.



The enemy combat rating is 270.




House of Mystery

When the Fellowship of the Arcane try performing a divining ritual to help with the situation in Chaos Gotham, it doesn't go as planned as they are reverse tracked and monsters invade the House of Mystery. The Crime Bible disappears after the botched ritual, and Zatanna will lead your player group through the House of Mystery to find it. You will do a series of puzzles in different rooms until you find the real Crime Bible. Similar to Atlantis: The Silent School, there are a number of different puzzles which you encounter randomly, which is different every time.

  • Seance: You must relight candles (there are 4 of them, one on each side of the room) when they go out.
  • Ritual: Watch a short cutscene of several items in the room emit a small burst of arcane energy in a sequence, then you have to interact with those items in order like entering a code. If you fail, you need to defeat a wave of monsters; if you fail 3 times and defeat them all, you may pass without completing the puzzle.
  • Cameras: You must interact with the video camera to render monsters vulnerable, then the still camera to be able to kill them.

Once you get the real Crime Bible, return to the main hall. You have to make it through the Library Wing first, though. There are Seeker Daemons in the Library wing that will kill you instantly if they find you (they have a massive blue aura around them; they are marked on the minimap by large eye icons to help avoid them).

Once you reach the Great hall, The fellowship appears captured and Doctor Fate becomes Subjugated by Klarion and Felix Faust with the Mark of Cain. You fight Subjugated Doctor Fate as he is the first Subboss of the operation.

First boss: Subjugated Doctor Fate[]

Relatively straight forward boss encounter in the regular version. Can be tricky in elite if players aren't adhering to mechanics and requires decent/competent healing/shields.

Doctor Fate's own mechanics apply during both phases.

On PS, Hold R1 to block


  • Ankh Bomb: Subjugated Doctor Fate may teleport to a random player and drop a yellow bomb on that player. It is best practice if Subjugated Doctor Fate teleports near to you to block, especially with other incoming damage and especially in the elite version. It may also be that Subjugated Doctor Fate drops several Ankh Bombs on you in succession. These will do significant damage each and may knock back affected players.
  • Arcane Barrage: Subjugated Doctor Fate may do this attack, often but not always while teleporting around to other players/pets. Does considerable damage.
  • During the boss encounter, Animated Poppet, Poltergeist and Illusory Bat adds may spawn to assist Subjugated Doctor Fate in battle. These can be KO'd by the group, however more will spawn in their place.
  • Large blue/gold AOEs will spawn in various areas of the room over the course of the boss encounter. These will ground players who are affected and deal damage over time. In the elite version these deal considerable damage over time and should be avoided. (In the combat log if players are hit by these it will imply that Subjugated Doctor Fate is attacking them directly; this mechanic does not have a name specifically)
  • Obelisk Amplified Malediction: As the boss encounter continues, golden obelisks will spawn around the map. These may deal damage over time to players in range, perhaps considerable damage over time in the elite version. Heal and apply group shields as necessary. Note also that if you are close to other players that these may arc damage to other nearby players, increasing the incoming damage over time to player/s. The longer the boss fight continues the more of these that will spawn, and the less safe zones there will be for the group. These can be mitigated when the group revives Shazam later during the second phase of the boss encounter.

First phase: Book phase[]

  • Subjugated Doctor Fate is Invulnerable at the start of the battle, and that is because he is powered by the Binding symbols holding the Fellowship captive. Zatanna will require you to retrieve the things necessary to cast an unbinding spell so Subjugated Doctor Fate will become vulnerable.
  • One of the DPS, Controller or second Tank will need to go into the library via teleports around the map to find the necessary items. Be careful not to go near Seeker Demon adds patrolling the library as they will likely KO affected players on impact (Death Ray). Also be mindful that Otherworldly Daemon adds will also be present in the library, and are scaled as raid adds. As such, avoid battle with these where possible.
  • Try not to get KO'd while outside the main boss room, as it is very difficult to revive players who have fallen far into the library well away from the rest of the group. This is especially the case in the elite version. It also may put a strain on the remaining group members if another player has to go into the library to find and revive you in time.

Second phase: Defeat Subjugated Doctor Fate[]

  • Once you have required all of the necessary spell books/reagents and given them to Zatanna, Subjugated Doctor Fate will become vulnerable. There will be onscreen text when this occurs, stating: "Allies Unbound! Doctor Fate is Vulnerable!"
  • During the battle, you have the option to have Zatanna revive one of the fallen Fellowship members as allies (you can revive once every few seconds). It is advised to revive Shazam and John Constantine first as Shazam will destroy Fate's Obelisks and John will summon an Earth Golem to help the tank with the adds.

After Doctor Fate is defeated, you pursue Klarion and Felix Faust to Limbo Town.

Limbo Town

When you arrive at Limbo Town, Klarion and Felix Faust are protected by a magic barrier and to bring it down, you must destroy pillars containing Magic Orbs that support the barrier. After bringing it down, you fight Klarion and Felix Faust, and meet another villain, Mordru.

Last boss: Klarion and Felix Faust[]

Relatively straight forward boss encounter in the regular version. Can be tricky in the elite version especially the Croatoan mechanic.

Recommended roles for elite: 4 DPS, 1 Controller, 1 Healer, 2 Tanks


  • Various adds (Magent Neophyte, Archmagent Conjurer, Apprentice Magent, Magent Witch, Soulless Sorcerer) will spawn to assist Mordru, Felix Faust and Klarion in battle.

Klarion/Subjugated Klarion

  • In the elite version it is best practice for the tank to face Klarion away from the rest of the group.
  • When Subjugated Klarion is defeated a Klarion's Ghoul add will spawn in his place.
  • Subjugated Klarion may spawn a Klarion's Reaper add to assist him in battle.
  • Lightning Storm: Subjugated Klarion may spawn a lightning AOE on a targeted player. Does considerable damage over time.

Felix Faust

  • Felix Faust may teleport around and deal weapon damage towards group members. It may be advised to block while Felix Faust is close by.
  • Necrotic Aura: One (or more) group member/s may gain an aura which will do mild damage over time to the affected player, but moderate damage over time to nearby players for a time.
  • Soul Prison: Felix Faust will cage one or up to a few players at a time with a white cage. This can do damage to nearby players when the affected player breaks out.

Other mechanics:

  • (Elite only) At the start of the boss encounter, a giant Teekl will spawn and join the fight. This can be defeated as soon as possible as many of its attacks will hard stun players, or it can be kept alive by a second or third tank for a feat. Depending on how quickly Teekl is defeated it is highly recommended to have at least 2 tanks active during this boss encounter, as if Teekl and Klarion are close together Teekl will be able to pin down and deal heavy damage over time to an affected player until they are KO'd.
  • Mordru may do a Deadly Beam attack towards a random player in range, which can deal significant damage.

Croatoan mechanic:[]

One of the primary mechanics of the boss encounter.

  • This mechanic will commence during the following VoiceOver communication:
  • Mordru will say "Enough! Bring me the people of Limbo Town so that I may feed on their life force!".
  • Felix Faust will say "Croatoans, hear me! By my power, you shall obey me! March towards the soul wells and give your lives to Mordru!" - During this interaction, Felix Faust will be invulnerable and won't be able to be attacked temporarily.
  • Klarion will say "No! This is not what we agreed to! These are my people!"*
  • Felix Faust will say "You will submit, witch boy!" - Felix Faust will then turn Klarion into Subjugated Klarion. There will be onscreen text shortly after this occurs, stating: "Felix Faust Subjugates Klarion with the Power of the Crime Bible!"
  • Mordru and a soul well will be present in the middle of the area where the boss encounter takes place.
  • *At this stage of the boss encounter, there will be onscreen text stating: "Spellbound Croatoans Trudge Towards Mordru!" Several Spellbound Croatoan adds will spawn around the perimeter of the boss encounter and move towards the middle. These can be 'defeated' but they will still move towards the middle of the room.
  • Each Spellbound Croatoan add that spawns will have a purple icon above their head that players can interact with. If these are interacted the Spellbound Croatoan will be freed (they will return to Croatoan ally NPCs) and run away from the middle back into Limbo Town. Note that in the elite version you will need to tap damage towards a Spellbound Croatoan in order for their purple icon to appear.
  • If enough Croatoans make it to Mordru, Mordru will say in VoiceOver: "Yes! Another sacrifice to Mordru!" and fire a powerful Soul Inferno attack in front of him towards group members. This does significant damage to affected players. In the elite version this will also leave a large purple AOE (Soul Fire) in a section of the boss encounter, which will deal considerable damage over time to affected players.
  • As a tank, try not to pull Spellbound Croatoans towards the middle of the room as they will likely interact with Mordru and trigger his Soul Inferno mechanic.

After they are defeated, Klarion announces he will not interfere in the heroes' business if they help his village recover, and says that Mordru is going to Gotham to take control of the beast from the rift in the sky. And that's where players go for the next raid, JLD: Shattered Gotham.



Briefings and Investigations[]


  • n/a


  • Acolyte of Mystery: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, explore each of these House of Mystery rooms: (10 points)
    • Birdcage Room
    • Left Mirror Room
    • Dressing Room
    • Double-Checker Room
    • Dining Room
    • Bedroom
    • Galaxy Room
    • Right Mirror Room
    • Special Collections Room
  • Book by its Cover: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, locate: (10 points) Grants title: the Librarian
    • To Eternity and Beynond
    • Sargon the Sorcerer's Autobiography
    • Cei-U and Other Magic Words
    • A History of the Starheart
    • Seances: Beyond the Veil
    • "Sleight of Hand : dnaH fo thgielS" by Giovanni Zatara
    • Adventures of Alley-Kat-Abra
    • Magic for Dum-Dums
    • Ebontome (Abridged)
  • Delivered Fast, They're Free: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Elite) Raid, deliver all of the Unbinding Ritual Reagents to Zatanna before Fate has created 11 golden Obelisks during one attempt at the fight. (25 points)
  • Eye Feel Scene: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Normal or Elite) Raid, complete the House of Mystery portion of the Raid without without any players being attacked by a Seeker Daemon. (10 points)
  • Feast or Famine: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses: (25 points)
    • Without allowing any Spellbound Croatans to be consumed in one attempt
    • Without preventing any Spellbound Croatans from being consumed in one attempt
  • Magical Mystery Memories: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, complete the Ritual in the Dining Room on the first attempt with no mistakes. (10 points)
  • Meow Mix-Up: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Elite) Raid, defeat the final bosses: (25 points)
    • Only after defeating Teekl
    • Without defeating Teekl
  • Mystery Master: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, complete these feats: (50 points) Grants title: the Mysterious
    • Book by its Cover
    • Seven Fellows and Fate
    • Finding and Unbinding
    • Acolyte of Mystery
    • Magical Mystery Memories
  • Seven Fellows and Fate: During the JLD: Fellowship of the Arcane (Event, Normal or Elite) Raid, defeat Subjugated Doctor Fate: (10 points)
    • After Instructing Zatanna to Rally Swamp Thing
    • After Instructing Zatanna to Rally Batwoman
    • After Instructing Zatanna to Rally Shazam
    • After Instructing Zatanna to Rally Phantom Stranger
    • After Instructing Zatanna to Rally Steve Trevor
    • After Instructing Zatanna to Rally John Constantine
    • Without Instructing Zatanna to Rally Anyone


