DC Universe Online Wiki

The Greater Lust Demon is a demonic member of Jacob's Cult of Lust. Loyal to her master, the demon seeks to incite and encourage the Sin of Lust in those around her to further Jacob's goals.


Hand Blast

  • Strength Buff Ability


  • Martial Flowers
  • Roundhouse Combo
  • Leaping Overhead Strike
  • Player Control Ability


Item Drops[]

Level 94

Associated Equipment[]


  • With the release of the Sons of Trigon DLC and Game Update 29, the appearance of all demon NPCs in Metropolis were intended to be updated to be more demonic to reflect the demons in the new DLC, however, it was found that a full update would be too expensive and so only the appearance of the demonic transformations were altered.

Cultists lusting for Lust Demons

  • Greater Lust Demons that wield the staff as a weapon wield the Demon Head Staff style.
  • Fervent Cultists and Salacious Cultists seem to lust for Greater Lust Demons as they can be seen sitting and gazing wistfully as the demons pose in front of them within the Tunnel of Lust.

