DC Universe Online Wiki

The Gotham Academy Letterman is an epic style item in the chest costume class.

Obtained from[]

The item is available from the following vendors during the Valentine's Day event:

Style unlock[]

Upon usage the item disappears and unlocks the Gotham Academy Letterman style chest.


  • The Gotham Academy is a private boarding school on Prime Earth that is located across from Arkham Asylum in Gotham City. The school's student population largely consists of children from the city's more prestigious families.




DCUO Valentine's Day Event 2018 Shimmering Amity Aura & Letterman Jackets

See also[]

v · e · d
Costume Style Sets - Iconic Equipment - Iconic Battle Suits (obsolete)
Costume Lists
Head List - Face List - Shoulder List - Chest List - Hands List - Back List - Waist List - Leg List - Feet List
Visual Styles
Head Styles - Face Styles - Shoulder Styles - Chest Styles - Hand Styles - Back Styles - Waist Styles - Leg Styles - Feet Styles
Costume listings include both, stats-enhancing gear and simple style items

Rings, necklaces and trinkets have no visual representation and thus count as items only
