DC Universe Online Wiki
Central City Starro Deluge Zone

Central City Starro Deluge Zone is a part of Central City where the Starro concentrate their efforts to invade the planet Earth during the Starro the Conqueror event and the Deluge episode.

The zone can be reached from teleporters in the headquarters (Watchtower/Hall of Doom).


Starro is expanding his reach into Central City, spreading his spores from the river and taking over the city’s citizens! Explore the area and join the resistance against Starro’s unflinching control.


Star Labs Logo Com
"Self replicating, possibly giant, psychic starfish... that's... different. Our Instruments here at S.T.A.R. labs are showing a huge amount of psychic energy spiking. Starro's face grabbers have taken control of quite a few heroes and villains! I'm glad you're here." — Star Labs
LexCorp Logo Com
"Self replicating, possibly giant, psychic starfish...that's...different. Our Instruments here at LexCorp are showing a huge amount of psychic energy spiking. Starro's face grabbers have taken control of quite a few heroes and villains! I recommended we nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. My request was denied. Looks like it's up to you to stop them, which, I'm sure you will be able to do. Total confidence in your diabolical abilities." — LexCorp

Central City Starro Deluge Zone is the location for the open world content of the Deluge episode.




Map - Central City Starro Deluge Zone



Briefings and Investigations[]



  • Starro Slayer: Defeat Starro Conqueror in Central City Starro Deluge Zone (10 Points)
  • Brave Starro Slayer: Defeat Starro Conqueror in Central City Starro Deluge Zone 9 times (25 Points)
  • Bold Starro Slayer: Defeat Starro Conqueror in Central City Starro Deluge Zone 26 times (25 Points)
  • Brave and Bold Starro Slayer: Defeat Starro Conqueror in Central City Starro Deluge Zone 54 times (50 Points)
  • Mega Starro Destroyer: Defeat Starro Conqueror in Central City Starro Deluge Zone 105 times (50 Points)
  • Where's Starro?: In Central City Starro Deluge Zone, find and destroy the fallen Starro spores that are being ejected from the giant Starro flying above Central City [0/50] (10 Points)
  • Here Starro, Starro, Starro!: In Central City Starro Deluge Zone, find and destroy the fallen Starro spores that are being ejected from the giant Starro flying above Central City [50/75] (25 Points)
  • Gotta Destroy Em' All!: In Central City Starro Deluge Zone, find and destroy the fallen Starro spores that are being ejected from the giant Starro flying above Central City [75/100] (50 Points), grants title: The Fallen



  • All player characters in the event part of the Deluge episode are buffed to combat rating 218 while in the zone.
  • During the 2017 Starro event all player characters were buffed/clamped to combat rating 34 while in the zone.
  • The Central City Starro Deluge Zone is very similar to the regular Central City, but is extended up to the waterfront.