DC Universe Online Wiki

Entwined Rings of Azar is an artifact recommended for the Controller role.

Obtained from[]


Azarathian Fortitude temporarily increases maximum health for 30 seconds when you use a Group Power Heal (e.g. Psychic Empowerment). It is not a health heal.


  • As the artifact is upgraded over time it changes its rarity, ranks 0 to 39 have common, ranks 40 to 79 uncommon, ranks 80 to 119 rare, ranks 120 to 159 epic, ranks 160 to 180 legendary and rank 200 artifact rarity.


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Heroes Aqualad - Arsenal - Beast Boy - Blue Beetle - Cyborg - Donna Troy - Jericho - Kid Flash - Miss Martian - Nightwing - Raven - Robin - Robin (Damian Wayne) - Starfire - Static - Superboy - Wonder Girl
Villains The Brain - Blackfire - Brother Blood - Deathstroke - Doctor Light - Gizmo - H.I.V.E. Master - Jinx - Klarion Bleak - Mammoth - Monsieur Mallah - Psimon - Terra - Trigon
Other Adeline Wilson - Flash (Wally West) - Possessed Raven Spirit - Spirit of Raven - Wonder Dog
Amazonian Gauntlets - Mesmerizing Lasso
Weapons Cyborg's Cybernetic Cannon - Entwined Rings of Azar - Light Synthium Staff
Apparel Aegis of Azarath - Blood-Cursed - Brother Blood's Sinister Hood - Cybernetic - Deathstroke's Menacing Bandolier - Eternal - Electrostatic - Enhanced Raven Emblem - Gotham Knight - Hera's Strength - Jared's Demonic Kicks - Junior Speedster Cowl Style - Junior Speedster Hair Style - Master Mercenary - Mercenary's Malice - Prideful - Raptor Infiltrator - Raven Emblem - Raven's Soulmask - Robin Cap - Robin's Utility Belt - Robotic - Trigon's Chain Belt - Wonder Girl's Combat Bracers - Wonder Girl's Mystic Belt
Azarath - Soul-Self - Titans Tower
PvE MPD 8th Precinct Metropolis Science Police HQ - A Shadow of Hell - Homecoming: Titans Island - Homecoming: Titans Tower - Titans Island - Gotham Wastelands
Cult of Blood - H.I.V.E. - Fearsome Five - Justice League of America - Outsiders
Deep Desires - Desecrated Cathedral - Homecoming - Sons of Trigon - Unholy Matrimony - Wastelands Wonderland - Teen Titans: The Judas Contract