DC Universe Online Wiki

The DC Bombshells world is an alternate universe set during World War II (1939 - 1945) where female superheroes rise to fight the Axis of Evil alongside their male military comrades.

Uniting under an all-female special forces group called "The Bombshells", headed by Commander Amanda Waller, the ladies face not only the horrors of war and the military forces of the "Axis Powers" but they also face the oncoming cultural shift surrounding a woman's "place" in western society.



  • In her attempts to alter their timeline and change the outcome of World War II, Lady al Ghul has created a tear in reality that must be fixed. With the Multiverse in danger of being torn apart, players must enter the Nexus of Reality, find the rift to Another Time and Space and stop Lady al Ghul's plans so as to close the rift and restore the course of reality.
  • Bombshell Wonder Woman is an ally in the Alternate World War II Universe timeline of the Ultimate Soldier 8-player operation.



 Tenebrae Eagle Claw
Tenebrae Eagle Claw
 Lashing Claw
Lashing Claw
 Tenebrae Lashing Claw
Tenebrae Lashing Claw


 Tenebrae Adept
Tenebrae Adept
 Tenebrae Skirmisher
Tenebrae Skirmisher
 Tenebrae Alchemist
Tenebrae Alchemist
 Tenebrae Neophyte
Tenebrae Neophyte
 Tenebrae Bloodletter
Tenebrae Bloodletter



  • DC's Bombshells was first conceived in 2013 as a series of 1940s pinup character statuettes designed by Ant Lucia and sculpted by Tim Miller. As the statues gained in popularity, additional "Bombshell" art began being featured as variant covers for certain DC Comics and, after two runs of variant arts were produced, the first official "DC's Bombshells" comic was released in July/August, 2015.
  • In this world, the United States of America was one of the first of the allied nations to join with Britain and France in fighting Germany.
  • The Tenebrae are a type of "vengeful spirit" sired by Erebus; a primordial deity of darkness, and Nyx; the Greek goddess of the night. Hatefully jealous of the living, the Tenebrae seek the warmth and light of the living world and take possession of the bodies of the dead to do so. Governed by Tenebrus the Binder; a demon prince-turned-god of darkness and undeath, the demon prince and his Tenebrae forces were originally opposed and defeated by the Amazons of Themyscira, however, various Axis forces have now allied with the prince to aid in their own bids for world domination.


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