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The Cosmic Treadmill is a treadmill that allows any individual with super-speed to travel through time and dimensions more precisely and reliably than if they could on their own.

Since few people have the speed to make it work, the treadmill is usually retained as an exhibit in the Flash Museum, though at times it has been stored in the archives. It is shown that over time the Treadmill can become unstable and unreliable, and cause extreme stress to the mind of the user.


After super-speed vibrations accidentally sent Flash (Barry Allen) into the distant past, he decided to investigate controlled time travel. Over the course of a few weeks he developed a treadmill powered by cosmic rays that, when running at top speed, would trigger specific vibrations that would launch him forward or backward in time. He would stay in that time period by maintaining that internal vibration, and return to his own time by relaxing it. As each era could be accessed by a certain vibration, the treadmill’s controls could be calibrated to produce the exact vibrations he needed to get there.

Since it depended on a speedster’s control of his own molecules, the treadmill was only an expensive curiosity to the general public, and after Barry’s death it became an exhibit at Central City’s Flash Museum.



  • The Cosmic Treadmill first appeared in The Flash #125 (December 1961).
  • The Cosmic Treadmill is calibrated in the measurement of Roemers; where one Roemer is the speed of light (much as Mach 1 is the speed of sound). The unit was named after the Danish astronomer Ole Rømer, who first measured the speed of light.


See Also[]

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Heroes Flash (Jay Garrick) - Flash (Barry Allen) - Flash (Wally West) - Flash (Bart Allen) - Kid Flash
Villains Abra Kadabra - Captain Cold - Captain Boomerang (George Harkness) - Captain Boomerang (Owen Mercer) - Gorilla Grodd - Heat Wave - Mirror Master - Weather Wizard - Pied Piper - Professor Zoom - The Red Death - Trickster - Top
Other Dexter Myles - Flashpoint Batman - Iris West Allen - Linda Park - Paradox Reaper - Quick Lee - Short Order
Electricity - Cosmic Treadmill - Super Speed
Weapons Defender's Compartment Trinket - Enforcer's Compartment Trinket - Fighter's Compartment Trinket - Medic's Compartment Trinket
Apparel Absolute Zero - Bulwark of Madness - Captain Cold Emblem - Captain Cold's Furred Hood - Captain Cold Glasses - CCPD Forensics Hoodie - Enhanced Captain Cold Emblem - Enhanced Flash Emblem - Enhanced Flash Emblem - Jay Garrick - Flash Day - Enhanced Flash Blue Logo T-Shirt - Flash Day - Enhanced Flash Red Logo T-Shirt - Flash Day - Flash Blue Logo T-Shirt - Flash Day - Flash Red Logo T-Shirt - Flash Emblem - Flash Emblem - Jay Garrick - Flash Museum T-Shirt - Flash T-Shirt - Hood of the Piper - Journeyman's Boots - Reverse - Speed-Force Spectrum - Speed-Force Spectrum 2018 - The Flash's Speed-Treads - Vestment of the Magician - Zoom T-Shirt
Base Items Flash Base Item Pack - Flash Museum Balloon - Flash Museum Column (League Hall) - Flash Museum Hanging Light (League Hall) - The Flash Portrait Banner (League Hall) - Hall of Justice - Flash Statue - Hall of Justice - Flash Symbol
Central City - Flash Museum - Iron Heights Penitentiary - Keystone City - Speed Force
PvE Central City (Origin Crisis) - Central City Police Department - Flashpoint Gotham City - Gorilla Island
Flash Family - Justice Society of America - Justice League of America - S.T.A.R. Labs - The Rogues
A Rip in Time - Flash Museum Burglary - Lightning Strikes - Prison Break - The Demon's Pit - The Demon's Plan - The First Piece - World of Flashpoint