DC Universe Online features three expansive City Zones that serve as the Game World for DCUO. The cities are split up into different districts or boroughs. Players that choose The Joker or Batman as their mentor will be sent to Gotham City after they complete the Brainiac Ship starting event, and Players that choose Superman, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman or Circe will be sent to Metropolis after they complete the Brainiac Ship starting event. If you bought the Lightning Strikes episode you may travel to Central City once you have a combat rating of 53. You are free to traverse between the three cities at any level.
Main Cities[]
- Gotham City
- Metropolis
- Central City (Lightning Strikes episode)
Zones and other Timelines[]
- 31st Century: New Earth (Long Live the Legion episode)
- Alternate Gotham City (Origin Crisis episode)
- Alternate Metropolis (Origin Crisis episode)
- Amusement Mile's Gang War (Riddled with Crime episode)
- Atlantis (Atlantis episode)
- BoP: Metropolis (Birds of Prey episode)
- Central City Starro Deluge Zone (Deluge episode)
- Chaos Gotham (Justice League Dark episode)
- Doomed Metropolis (The Death of Superman episode)
- Earth 3 Gotham (Earth 3 episode)
- Ferris Aircraft in Coast City (Fight for the Light episode)
- Flashpoint Gotham City (World of Flashpoint episode)
- Gotham Wastelands (Sons of Trigon episode)
- Gotham Under Siege (Amazon Fury Part I episode)
- Metal Gotham City (Metal Part I episode)
- Metropolis Battlezone (War of the Light Part I and War of the Light Part II episodes)
- New Genesis (Halls of Power Part II episode)
- Metropolis Anti-Matter Invasion Zone (Attack of the Anti-Monitor)
- Patchwork Themyscira (Wonderverse epsiode)
- Thanagar (Metal Part II episode)
- Typhon's Monster Invasion (Amazon Fury Part III episode)
- War-Torn Village (Age of Justice episode)