DC Universe Online Wiki

Cavalier's Boots is a rare-quality style item unique to the 2011 Valentine's Day Event. Use of the item unlocks the Valentine feet costume style.

Obtained from[]

Style unlock[]

Upon usage the item disappears and unlocks the Valentine style feet.


  • Pretty in Pink - Collect all styles in the Valentine set (10 points)
  • A Hallmark of Success - Complete the following Valentine's Day seasonal events: "It's a Love/Hate Relationship", Collection "Wedding Vows", Race "Multiplayer Flight Challenge: The Turbulent Path of Love", "Love is Hard Work", "Pretty in Pink" and "I Choo- Choo- Choose You" (25 points)


In 2011 the item was available from the seasonal vendors Cherub and Imp. It was again available in 2013 and could be found in the freely available Box of Valentine's Gifts.


See also[]

v · e · d
Costume Style Sets - Iconic Equipment - Iconic Battle Suits (obsolete)
Costume Lists
Head List - Face List - Shoulder List - Chest List - Hands List - Back List - Waist List - Leg List - Feet List
Visual Styles
Head Styles - Face Styles - Shoulder Styles - Chest Styles - Hand Styles - Back Styles - Waist Styles - Leg Styles - Feet Styles
Costume listings include both, stats-enhancing gear and simple style items

Rings, necklaces and trinkets have no visual representation and thus count as items only
