The Amazonian Warship is a medium-sized strike cruiser affiliated with the Amazons of Themyscira.
Originally made from the Lansinarian Morphing Disk; a sentient morphing crystal gifted to Wonder Woman by the subterranean Lansinarian race, the new technology was adopted and adapted by Amazonian ingenuity and allowed the Amazons to create a new warship fleet to replace their traditional, though out-dated, water-bound ships.
Now the pinnacle of Amazonian technology, the ship design propels itself using graviton particles and has the ability to be undetectable by both radar and human eye thanks to the ability to shift from its crystal-appearance to complete invisibility; rendering both itself and its occupants truly invisible.
- Amazonian Warships can be found soaring through the skies of Gotham Under Siege and Typhon's Monster Invasion.
- Amazonian Warships can be seen soaring the skies above the Themyscira: Palace District
- Amazonian Warships can be seen docked at either end of the Themyscira: Storage District
- Wonder Woman's Invisible Plane, which the concept of the Warship is based off of, first appeared in All-Star Comics #8 (January, 1942).
- The Amazonian warship technology was first seen in battle against the combined forces of Brainiac 13 and Imperiex Prime during the Imperiex War. The technology was also temporarily incorporated into the architecture of Themyscira's buildings before the morphing crystal lost its sentience.
- The crystalean metal used in the construction of the warships is known as "Eighth Metal". Eighth Metal is the purest form of metal used by the Olympian Gods and their champions to forge their weapons and armour. Hephaestus used this metal to forge godly weapons such as the Sunblade for Apollo. Thirteen Heavens, the temple of the aztec god Tezcatlipoca in the Sphere of the Gods, is also made of Eighth Metal