DC Universe Online Wiki

Episode 10: Amazon Fury Part I is an Episode pack for DC Universe Online released on April 30th, 2014 for subscribers and May 6th, 2014 for non-subscribers. Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, has gone mad, or so it seems when she allies with Circe and declares war on the mortal world! Her own daughter, Wonder Woman, has rallied an army of Amazons that will defend the people of Gotham City, and try to help their Queen see reason.

Amazon Fury Part I is the 10th episode pack. Access to the episode content is available to all players with a combat rating of 60.


In Brainiac's bid to digitize the multiverse, he created three avatars, each associated with a powerful Nexus of Technology, Meta, and Magic. It was the Avatar of Magic's creation on Themyscira outside the gates of Tartarus that has led us to this moment. Furious at the attack on Paradise Island, Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, began silently planning a counterstrike. Holding the mortal world responsible for letting the infestation of Brainiac reach her shores, she decides the time for peace has passed and that the time of war and death has begun.

Amazon Fury Part I starts with an all out Amazon assault on Gotham City, the entrance to the Nexus of Reality and the Seat of Brainiac's power on Earth. But the idea of war has fractured the Amazon civilization, and civil war has erupted. Wonder Woman opposes her mother's invasion. Amazons have fallen in line behind either their queen or their princess. Which side will you stand beside as the battle for Gotham City begins?

Mythical creatures take up arms as Paradise Island erupts into civil war. Cyclops, Satyrs, Harpies, and more will join the armies of the warring amazons and determine the fate of the mortal world, beginning with Gotham City. The battle lines are being drawn in Amazon Fury Part I.










Briefings and Investigations[]



Base Items[]





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Heroes Artemis - Bombshell Diana - Comrade Diana - Donna Troy - Hippolyta - Nubia - Queen Diana - Steve Trevor - Wonder Girl - Wonder Woman
Villains Ares - Cheetah - Circe - Doctor Psycho - Egg Fu - Giganta - Hydra - Jinx - Medusa - Rampaging Hydra - Veronica Cale
Other Aphrodite - Asterion - Athena - Bombshell Wonder Woman - Enchanted Statue - Enchanted Colossus - Ethereal Hecate - Grace Choi - Grail - Hades - Hecate - Hera - Ixion - JSA Wonder Woman - Lieutenant Pythia - Panarchos Io - Poseidon - Typhon - Zeus
Ally: Wonder Woman - Amazonian Gauntlets - Amazonian Rune - Ancient - Deco - Grecian - Clay of the Gods - Mesmerizing Lasso - Orb of Truth - Penthouse - Transparent Wonder Plane - Wondrous Time Capsule
Weapons Amazon Glaive - Amazon Longbow - Amazon's Honed Blade - Astral - Bombshell Wonder Woman's Shield - Demonhunter's Mallet - Gleaming - Heartburst Axe - Light Themysciran Staff
Apparel Amazon Hairstyle Pack - Amazonian - Amazonian Warrior Chroma Pack - Amazon Hoplite - Amazon Polemarch - Amazon Soldier - Amazon Strategos - Amazonian Conqueror - Ancient Amazon Noble - Ancient Divine Sorceress - Apokoliptian Amazon - Bewitching Battlesuit - Bombshell Bracers - Bombshell Boots - Bombshell Wonder Woman's Aegis - Champion of Themyscira's Shield - Circe Doll Accessory - Classic Wonder Woman Emblem - Cloak of Hades - Crown of Hades - Drowned Amazon - Emblem of the Amazon Eagle - Emblem of Aphrodite - Emblem of Ares - Emblem of Athena - Emblem of Hades - Emblem of Hecate - Emblem of Hera - Emblem of Zeus - Enhanced Classic Wonder Woman Emblem - Enhanced Emblem of the Amazon Eagle - Enhanced Emblem of Aphrodite - Enhanced Emblem of Ares - Enhanced Emblem of Athena - Enhanced Emblem of Hades - Enhanced Emblem of Hecate - Enhanced Emblem of Hera - Enhanced Emblem of Zeus - Enhanced Nubia's Banner Emblem - Enhanced Red Son Wonder Woman Emblem - Gorgon Slayer - Greco-Roman - Heart of the Lion - Hera's Strength - Multiversal Amazon - Noble Warrior - Nubia's Banner Emblem - Plastic Circe Mask - Plastic Wonder Woman Mask - Red Son Wonder Woman Emblem - Reforged Wonder Girl Bracers - Shim'Tar Regalia - Spirit of the Stag - Strength of the Ram - The Last Aurochs - Themysciran Battlesuit - Thundergod's Boots - Tiara of the Valiant - Toga - Transparent Wonder Plane - Vengeance of Hecate - Wonder Girl's Mystic Belt - Wonder Woman 75th Emblem - Wonder Woman's 80th Anniversary Emblem - Wonder Woman Doll Accessory - Wonder Woman Cap
Base Items Bombshell Wonder Woman Poster - Bombshell Wonder Woman Poster (Purchased) - Bombshell Wonder Woman's Shield Replica - BvS Wonder Woman Poster - BvS Wonder Woman Poster (Purchased) - BvS Wonder Woman (League) - Circe Beach Towel & Sand - Circe Stocking - Hall of Justice - Wonder Woman Statue - Hall of Justice - Wonder Woman Symbol - Ice Sculpture: Circe - Ice Sculpture: Wonder Woman - Loading Screen Poster - Wonder Woman - Loading Screen Poster - Wonder Woman (Large) - Tiki of the Witch - Tiki of Wonder - Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary Poster - Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary Poster (large) - Wonder Woman Beach Towel & Sand - Wonder Woman Garland - Wonder Woman Holiday Tree - Wonder Woman Holiday Tree (Large) - Wonder Woman Holiday Wreath - Wonder Woman Jack-o-Lantern - Wonder Woman Stocking
Vehicles Amazonian Warship
Aeaea - Cursed Themyscira - Patchwork Themyscira - Themyscira - Tartarus
PvE Aphrodite's Realm - Aphrodite's Temple - Battle-Crazed Olympus - Crypt of Penthesilea - Cursed Themyscira - Fractured God Sphere - Gotham Under Siege - Shrine of Hippolyta - Temple of Aphrodite - Temple of Athena - Temple of Hera - Themyscira: Gates of Tartarus - Themyscira Command Post - Themyscira Under Siege - Themyscira: Palace District - Themyscira: Storage District
Amazons of Themyscira - Beasts of Myth and Legend - Champions of Olympus - Circe's Loyalist Forces - Justice League of America - Bestiamorph Army - Olympians - OMAC - Wonder Woman's Rebel Forces
Amazon Fury Part I - Amazon Fury Part II - Amazon Fury Part III - Sons of Trigon- The Battle for Earth - The Bombshell Paradox - Wonderverse - Wonder Woman Day: Celebration